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Has anyone ever had a problem with the rear three windows fogging on wet and cold days? I have an '02 rex and my bosses son has a '99. Both fog badly even with the heater on defrost and on high. Not a huge problem, just a huge nuisance.

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Just clean them really good on a dry day. Fog-x is the worst stuff ever.


I have to agree. Instead of dealing with fog, you have to deal with the smears from the fog-x. This is fine during the day, but at night, other cars lights make it nearly impossible.

Just make sure you dont have the heat on recirculate and keep the rear defrost on.

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When the defrost setting is on it automatically goes out of recirculate. I have an OBW and it is amazing how the AC can clear up rear window fogging. Its just something that happens to a degree with all post 1990 cars. As the cars have gotten more sounf proof, the inside of the car has gotten tighter, so less air leaks in or out of the car.

Of course you can always stop breathing :banana:



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I have A/C on my wife's Legacy, and it keeps the fogging down unless there are 3 or more peeps in the car, or the frikkin' dog is in the back. Then I crack the window behind me.


I crack the rear window on my Beemer, as the A/C doesn't work, and this works fairly well too.

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