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ahhh omg coolant everwhere

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ok it turned out the Water pump gasket actually blew out! its fixed now, i took the a/c compressor out and the water pump was a breeze and i got the gasket on correctly. but now the things wants to overheat and is gutless as hell, i musta did somthing to the timing cause i tried to tighten the slack


Sounds like you've got a vacume leak. Use carberator cleaner and spray around the vacume hose fittings. If your leaking, the vacume hose will suck up the cleaner and the rpm will rise for a few seconds. Make sure you only do this when the engine is cool, when it warms up quit doing it. You may have moved a vacume hose and cracked it are something. You can also use the carb cleaner around your intake manifold, too. That's my 2 cents and it's worth a nickel.

:headbang: ~Myles~

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one of the belts wernt tight enough so we tighten it, both are still right on. My coolant temp sensor is pretty corroded but i havent got the plug for it to replace yet, and im betting all that coolant under the hood made it worse. But im gonne check vacuum lines, cause its acting like its got a dead spot from idle up to about 2400 rpms and it takes off.

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that happend to me while i was workin on a 86 sedan. i was playin with the distrib. and when i turned it counter clockwise the idle droped and when i'd rev it, it would squeal the belts. so i advanced it and the idle regulated and it stoped backfireing. and! quit squealin the belts. if your belts are tight the coolent shouldnt effect them they get wet all the time. (rain and what not) um and how many vaccume lines do you have? i might have a easy way to check for the leak...

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