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my new flares


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Those are nice. What is the material?
What did you make them out of or where did you get them?

They are rubber I am guessing. They look just like the others I've seen here in Australia (also look for the "Wonder Brumby" on this forum.)

You buy the stuff in a strip and cut it to fit. Costs a fair bit at the 4x4 shops, but I reckon it might be cheaper at a rubber store.


I'm lucky, both my sets of 6 stud wheels have a slightly better offset then the desert rats and the cops don't give me any trouble.

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Looks great,


What did you make them out of or where did you get them?:headbang:

you can get them on e-bay but I got then from a rubber shop. much cheaper 4 meters for AU$ 47. and I have plenty left. I don't know if you noticed but I used a 60 mm strip of rubber for widening the original mud flaps

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