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The Hatch Is Back

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Big props for dixracing, police called me this evening that car had been found 10 min from my house, everything stripped on inside, engine hurting, ghetto painted just the body not the top, no windshield wipers??? some other random crap gone but all in all its back after almost 3.5 months. Might need some help from my fellow experts such as the good Dr. an Eric to help diagnose.

The board comes through, awesome! :banana:

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I have an 84 hatch, that i'll be doing a motor swap on, and probably up grading the interior, so if theres anything that you need let me know, and i'll try to get it to you as soon as i'm done with it. ( I gotta keep it mobile until i get rid of my impreza)


BTW congrats on your recovery, no vigilaties needed !!

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if they caught the fool civil suit dude, really...


i have a few boxes of smallish mostly engine parts... and a hitachi with a bad choke that really needs a rebuild. and a hatch that I should remove some of the interior (it's my DD/wheeler)... so non essential interior stuff can be gutted if it isn't already ruined


if you need stuff that i might have throw a message my way. if i have it shipping is on me.

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Nobody ever said crooks were smart. The guy that currently had your car might not have been the one that stole it. The reason why it was found so close to home, he might not have even known it was stolen.

But then again. How could they think any one wouldnt recog it with just a rattle can job and the same plates on it?

Cops should have staked it out and waited for the driver to come get it.

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congrats on getting it back. glad to hear that its back in the hands of the rightful owner. i dont post too much on the forums. but i've been following the stolen hatch story. i'd check the paint for prints. everytime i rattlecan something , i always end up touching the paint.

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