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84 Brat 4-speed question

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I am still new to brats. Purchased my 1st about month or so


The transmission is very hard shifting from gear to gear. The feeling of the shifter itself is like a stick in a bucket of spagetti. I looked under the shifter boot and I see a ball socket the shfter rides in and apears to be slop in this connection.


Does anyone know if this is a cause of the hard shifting problem?

Any other common problems in this area? I am hoping that it is not internal in the trans.

Any input would be appreciated.




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Here is the fix from our on-line repair manual.

Worn bushing fix


Also check to make sure you have the correct fluid levels. The dipstick on the passenger side of the trans is for the front differential and trans.


You are just down the highway from me. I'm in Sumner/Buckley area. Let me know if you'd like to get together and meet.

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Qman, you are okey dokey!


I did not think to look under the steering/suspension fix its.


I would like to get together sometime and possibly pick up

a few tips from a subaru verteran.


I will be working on the trans fix this weekend.


I bought the pint size truck for the backwoods. I heard they

are durable and liked them anyway. I do not plan on beating

the crap out of it tho. That gets too expensive.


Let me know if ok to send you mail.



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