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I normally spend my time in the Older Generation forum, looking for tips on my EA82's.


Nowadays, my wife drives a 2006 Forester. We've had it for a year and really dig it. It's a non-turbo. Most of it's time on the road is spent on steep curvy mountain roads, or out on the highway. It's basically our road-travelling car.


Does anyone have any experience with the K&N Typhoon on this vehicle or engine? The thought of getting some more horsepower and maybe more mpg really appeals to me. I'd be particularly interested in how it performs on uphill runs versus simple pick-up.




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The oil impregnated air filters are hell on your MAF, It won't burn out immidiately, but with time you're gonna have to replace it, maybe after a year or so.


Also, if they really increased fuel economy, the OEM's would use them standard.



Your butt dyno won't be able to tell a difference, it may be louder, but won't be faster.

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2006 NA Forester is a MAP engine, so there is no chance of contamination there.


The Turbo IS a MAF engine however.


This has been discussed at length on other boards and the conclusion was that if you plan to keep the vehicle either a K&N or Amsoil filter is the way to go. Only for the cost savings, not for performance.


N/A way to increase HP starts with allowing the exhaust to breath better. Either with a header and 2 1/2" exhaust, or a custom exhaust from a local custom shop. After that the cost to get add'l HP out of the N/A 2.5L gets expensive and can cost more than the Turbo from the start.

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