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Today May Be The Day! Yup it was.Pics enclosed

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We are taking Bucky to Long Island today to go to the Islanders Hockey game....its just so much cheaper taking him the Tommys truck..plus Buck is due for a road trip.

He may be turning over the 200K mark on this trip..he has 220 more miles to go and its around a 100 mile each way trip:banana: :banana: .


I just love this car!!Bringing the camera just in case..if its that close I will just keep driving him around the block until he turns over:brow: :burnout:

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Thanks to alittle OOPS detour on the way to the Collosium for the Islanders Game ( we won BTW 3-1 and my boy looks to be outta his slump)..on the way home it happened...sorry couldnt get the shot at the exact moment but in traffic at night was alittle too risky.


My Bucky is all grown up now..also..187 miles to a hair over a quarter tank used:



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The 200k photo is inspiring after fixing my 87 gl with some rust that could have sent it to a junk pile... but to remain optimistic of times ahead it only has 105k. If I drove until i was exhausted every day, it would still take quite awhile to get to the 200k club.

I guess I got 20 yr old "baby soob" :) (12/86-12/06)

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Hey I remember Bucky when I bought him 3 years ago..would have never though he would make it this long...now I am keeping my expectations low..going for 10K goals from now on..Oil change and tune up tomorrow.


Oh! Can't resist this pic..me and my boy today in Long Island



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my mom sent my first subaru to the junkyard while i was living in another state:mad: i didnt know how to fix it at the time but all it was was timing belts, and no i didnt get pictures but when i parked it it had 487,650 on the clock, and from when i bought it off my buddy at 150 or so, i only changed the oil once(it burned enough to just keep adding). went thru a starter, alt, battery, clutch cable, and a whole bunch of tires:headbang: :headbang: somewhere i have a regular picture oflike 330 or so on the clock but i havent seen that picture in a few years. his name was subie subobarubu and i miss that car more than anything....ever. f'en mom....

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