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Pair of windows won't go down

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I have cleaned/repaired/replaced my 96, 98, 99 Legacy window switches from time to time, but now I need advice please -

On my 96 Legacy, the PAIR of passenger side windows will not go down, only up, when operated from the passenger side. They will go up and down when operated from the driver side?


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I'm not sure...I don't have a manual for 96. My experience is

with my Mustangs. But I would be suspicious of the switches

and their grounding at the drivers door. I do have a 90 Subaru

service manual. It says first check main switch ( drivers door)

and second check sub switches (passenger doors). It also says to

check motor and regulator assembly but if it runs in one direction

they should be OK. Only other thing would be a broken wire

somewhere, but I'd still bet on the drivers door switch and




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My 97 has the kid proofing disable switch on the driver's door. Does your 96? Since the switches act on the ground side that ground must be routed through that switch, likely on a single wire. I'd check that switch and wire(s?)

Let us know how how it works out :)

~ Mark

... Uh well I walked away thinking this post over and realized that the "kid switch" stops the action both up and down.

Oh well, still curious at what you find.

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I squirted switch cleaner in the switches on the passenger side and then in the driver child lock window switch. The rear passenger window came to life. I put the front passenger window fully down and squirted silicon grease on the plastic sealing strip and the front passenger window works now. Thanks for all your valuable advice once again.

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