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Easier shock upgrade?

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In the process of slinging a new rear suspension under the Hatch, 2" lift via the torsion bars. I have heard of using Chevette shocks, but the mounts look all wrong. Is it possible to just drill new holes a couple inches down the shock mounts and use the stock shocks, or do I have to go with different shocks? I did a sarch, but maybe I just don't know how to search, I can never seem to dig anything up-

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From what I remember reading about the chevelle shock, you need to drill the holes out and rotate the top mount in the bushing. I don't think you can simply re drill holes either. Behind the stock holes there are a couple of weld nuts that you would need to account for if you re drill and I don't think you can get behind that piece of sheet metal with new nuts. Also didn't someone come across a Ranch shock for the Jeep TJ that will work?

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