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Hello, I have a 99 Legacy GT, and last night I opened the sunroof, and found it has no problem going backwards, however it will not go forward to close. The motor runs, but nothing happens.:confused: Any ideas, and if I have to remove the cassesett how would i go about doing that. Any help is greatly appreciated.



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On the earlier Legacys, there is a small hole in the headliner (covered with a matching plug, of course) near the front edge of the sunroof. Remove this and you will find a place to insert an allens wrench (earlier models kept a wrentch in their center console). This can be used to manually open and close the sunroof.

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  TurboPropAirman said:
Hello, I have a 99 Legacy GT, and last night I opened the sunroof, and found it has no problem going backwards, however it will not go forward to close. The motor runs, but nothing happens.:confused: Any ideas, and if I have to remove the cassesett how would i go about doing that. Any help is greatly appreciated.




Here is the info from the owners manual , but if that doesn't work you may have broken one of the calbes that drive the sun roof or the sun shade has jammed the sun roof


Hope this helps


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