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making a vibrationless 4x4 wagon


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And painting it wil reinforce it to the point that it's solved? All the metal expands or shrinks at the same percentage, so no stress based on atmospheric temps.


Don't think about bgd's "right to free speach", which is a right not honored on this board and has been justified before.


This board is a resource for people who want to fix their cars. As members, it's our responsibility to provide good information. Bgd works on the pricipal that he's a misunderstood genius. People belive his statements because they make some sense and are confusing. The people come with questions because they are already mystified. By using confusing language, he puts himself forward as a "priest" in the art of car repair. People assume he's just talking above their experience level and belive what he says. When they follow the advise and end up worse off, it's not just him they don't believe in the future. By spreading misinformation, he's tarnishing the validity of the advise that the rest of us share.

exactly read any of his posts even the ones quoted here, i mean he's one step from telling us that pyramid power is real and putting a pyramid in our garages over the soobs will make them last longer and begin to fix themselves.
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No. People are ignorant. Standing by and watching them be lead down the obviously wrong path is wrong.
I don't judge right and wrong.


Because I don't believe there is such thing as right or wrong. I believe the world is grayscale.


If someone comes to me and says "blah blah, I heard it from such'n'such" I will nicely say why I think that is bs and what I think is more correct.


And no, I don't believe in god or spirits or any of that.

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OT: Sounds like a request for a suggestion...


Do not engage.


If someone with conviction is talking what you consider nonsense, just do not engage them in conversation. They are not going to change your mind, and you will not change theirs. It is a waste of both parties' time, and just spreads ill will. Relax, breathe, and go read and share knowledge where it will do good.





for the love of fuji, you people ALL NEED TO GROW UP!!!!




1. Many of us feel that BGD's ideas/statements/theories are crackpot

2. No one wants to see the spread of misinformation

3. All here wish for a peaceful environment

4. All here are (ostensibly) adults, since little boys and girls arent allowed to hold the car keys




those of us who disagree with BGD's thoughts have a responsibility to behave with an ounce of bloody respect and dignity, AT LEAST FOR YOURSELVES!


This means NOT picking him apart and using INSULTS about his language usage, disguised as fallacious arguments "proving" that he is some no nothing bozo!!!!


This means acting like an ADULT, and treating the rest of the people on the forum as such!


I dont think adding paint is going to stiffen my chassis, but that doesnt make me feel an irresistable urge to expend MY time and effort on concocting cleverly worded slander of him JUST to stroke my own little EGO!!


Please, people! Most of you obviously seem to think you have brains in your respective heads. Why can't that brain excercise a modicum of self-control and just effing RELAX!!!! This man did not insult anyone, in any way, other than ignoring your advice. RETURN THE FAVOR AND IGNORE HIM! At the very least, please refrain from turning a thread started by him into an open forum on what a dipstick he may or may not be! If you feel compelled to make a post stating that he is patently wrong, then do so.. but don't turn the whole thread into a treatise on how much YOU think you are better than him!!! One post should be sufficient for that. Anything more is uncivilized, immature, unnecessary, hateful, and just plain rude.


Where are we, New York City?!?????

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ok hold it stop were not arguing fact or fiction and don't bring religon or othe unprovable stuff in here like 91 loyal said it's not that people are stupid it's that he puts on a great mistical show making evreyone think he knows what he is doing. it is ignorant people he's trying to reach and get to follow him all of us were ignorant about cars at one point or anouther. he is taking advantage of people lack of knowledge the most hanus crime it is no problem if you are tricked at one point or anouther

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ok hold it stop were not arguing fact or fiction and don't bring religon or othe unprovable stuff in here like 91 loyal said it's not that people are stupid it's that he puts on a great mistical show making evreyone think he knows what he is doing. it is ignorant people he's trying to reach and get to follow him all of us were ignorant about cars at one point or anouther. he is taking advantage of people lack of knowledge the most hanus crime it is no problem if you are tricked at one point or anouther


how is he trying to gather a following?!???



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how is he trying to gather a following?!???



he's not trying to get a following he's trying to tell evrey one to dis regard rational thought have you not read one of his many posts slandering gd for giving him the most rational reason for his problem

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In any industry there are people who know what they are talking about, there are people who know they don't know about it, and are asking, and there are people who don't really know about it but want other people to believe they do.


Car salesmen are easy examples. When they know everything about the car they are selling, they can do a good job of advising what the customer should buy. When they only know the surface specs, they will make stuff up that sounds good to the customer to convince them that they are buying from someone knowlegable. I had this from a subaru salesman claiming that 200X was the first time Legacy's had ever been offered as turbo's. He didn't even know what horizontally opposed engines looked like. His job was to con us into buying something he knew nothing about.


The problem is that at first glance they look legitamate. You don't find out you were had untill later.



I have tried ignoring Bgd7, but he doesn't go away. Enough people try and help that he has an audience and stays around.


I have tried my best to keep my statement's calm and factual. I figured I might be banned for my comments, but I thought the risk was worth it to try and improve the board.


This is all I have to say on the matter.

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he's not trying to get a following he's trying to tell evrey one to dis regard rational thought have you not read one of his many posts slandering gd for giving him the most rational reason for his problem


OK.. now, lets go with this. 91Loyale, I read your comment too...


He has not slandered a single soul on this board. He has been VILIFIED by many, but he has been patient and at LEAST dignified, if not entirely respectful (ie, ignoring peoples comment) at all turns! He has stated a disagreement with points or facts that GD has brought up.


As for "telling everyone to disregard rational thought," All he ever says is, in essence, "I am going to disregard rational thought." Granted, it is a poor example to set, and others may follow. But its jumping off a bridge for Pete's sake... JUST because he does it, doesn't mean others are going to, and it *certainly* doesn't mean that he is making a conscious effort to thwart reason and logic, which is the cause you are martyring yourselves for!!


I REALLY LIKE ALL OF YOU, even the ones *I* think may be a bit too heavy in the "jerk" column. I maintain a regular dialogue with GD regarding a number of Ideas I have, and (i would like to THINK, at least) he and I see pretty well eye-to-eye on alot of things.. I can appreciate a good ribbing when someone is in the wrong as much as anyone... but there is no need to prop yourself up on a soapbox and speak to the crowd denouncing a fool. All that does is make yourself look equally foolish.


And BGD: I am batting on your side here... I *sincerely* hope you read my comments and recognize that. At the same time,



you know alot. Alot of obscure information, at that. One of the wisest things I ever read on this board was your comment about "clean" power to the ECU, which in itself sparked a bit of a debate about the power supplied by a UPS.. but I dont want to open that back up.


The biggest problem with your methodologies, to me, seems to be your approach towards your ideas.


Scientific method dictates that when a theory (idea) is formed, you do NOT try to support it. you try to tear it apart, DISprove it sixteen ways to sunday, and once it FAILS to be DISproven, then you have a law. Having an idea, and rationalizing it, is BAD method.... you cannot try to think of reasons why this thoery may be true, you must think of ways to test this theory and prove it FALSE.


I like to think that is the point that everyone wants to make to you. It is CERTAINLY the ideology that you espouse, and it is the ideology that makes everyone here this upset at you, and your "theories." I say "you espouse this ideology" because that is the conclusion to be drawn from my interpretation of your posts, as a body.


now gentlemen, please.. how hard was it to tone down the sarcasm a bit? I appreciate it. Schoolyard Bullies belong there, most of us left them behind a decade or two ago, and I think most of us prefer it that way.


No offense has been intended to anyone or anything in the composition of this forum post. :lol:

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Claws in, kittens. Play nice. Or if yer gonna fight, at least meet up somewhere with seconds and a boxed set of firearms. Pistols for two and breakfast for one, eh eh what what know what i mean??



Only vaguely related to this is is that the bodies on these cars are like violins or guitars, they will magnify and resonate any sound to where you thinkthe whole thing is gonna fall apart. I've epoxy-bonded 1/4" plywood to the roof and covered it in two plies of 6-oz fiberglas, it really quieted things down a whole lot and now I can actually set a gallon of milk on top of the car without having to worry about it denting. Probably weighs about 40-45 pounds, maybe a bit less all told.

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that was a good way of putting it


It is indeed - an excelent overview of general science principles.


Sadly, he won't understand any of it - at least not it's implications. Try teaching calculus to a 4 year old sometime.... or explain physics in a mental ward.... you get a blank stare, follow by them going right back to playing with barbies or drooling.


Please, people! Most of you obviously seem to think you have brains in your respective heads. Why can't that brain excercise a modicum of self-control and just effing RELAX!!!! This man did not insult anyone, in any way, other than ignoring your advice. RETURN THE FAVOR AND IGNORE HIM! At the very least, please refrain from turning a thread started by him into an open forum on what a dipstick he may or may not be! If you feel compelled to make a post stating that he is patently wrong, then do so.. but don't turn the whole thread into a treatise on how much YOU think you are better than him!!! One post should be sufficient for that. Anything more is uncivilized, immature, unnecessary, hateful, and just plain rude.


We've tried ignoring.... that's the problem with this society - everyone wants instant gratification, and no one will stand up and take ownership of our problems or even their own. Ignoreing terrorists was a grand idea, as was ignoring our last presidential ellections. As a society we are failing to OWN our problems. Everyone is fat, no one votes, and just look at our media! At some point you have had enough, and you stand up and SAY something. Perhaps I reach that point before most, but I'm not appoligizing for trying to make this place clean and tidy. I try to help people here, and that includes wading in to threads that are dirty and picking out the scum. Much like Penn & Teller, and Houdini before them, I feel it is the duty of everyone to prevent "humbug".



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All I really had to say, was just relax. It was a bit more complex than that, though....


Thanks for the positive reception of my remark.




and that is such a common oops-ing of the spelling of my nickname, but it irks me so!! im sorry to sound off on it, but ive never had a chance to, since the name stays within the confines of the internet... obviously an innocent error, but for some reason seeing it misspelled that way has always ticked me off. The name came from JRR Tolkien (a cunning linguist and philologer) and I pronounce it "day-ron" and that spelling totally trashes that, "deer-on." but enough with the randomness.


I guess i figured since we all had our soapboxes out anyhow, I would holler that out before I humbly stepped down and shut up :-p

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All I really had to say, was just relax. It was a bit more complex than that, though....


Thanks for the positive reception of my remark.


Yeah - it's all good. I'm always relaxed. Usually smoking my pipe while I browse here (no - it's just tobacco :rolleyes:). I select my language such that I *appear* agitated perhaps, but it's not by design. That's just me. I've always been one to debate - I actually find it enjoyable.



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