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Help! EA83 Heater hose size????

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Well my wagon has been playing weakest link ever since I replaced the water pump, it had new rad hoses but has been popping others since. Tonight it decided to pop the right heater hose and shoot a nice little stream at the disty, since this is my only ride at the moment I was wondering if someone could tell me the size of these heater hoses so I know before I limp my fountain down to the parts store.



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Wait, they made an EA83? :lol:


I'm assuming you meant EA82. Get some 5/8" heater hose and call it good.


As a temporary solution, take the one heater hose that isn't popped, take it off the heater core, and loop to where the other hose goes into the engine. This bypasses the heater core. Sure, no heat, but you can at least drive it safely now.

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Wait, they made an EA83? :lol:


I'm assuming you meant EA82. Get some 5/8" heater hose and call it good.


As a temporary solution, take the one heater hose that isn't popped, take it off the heater core, and loop to where the other hose goes into the engine. This bypasses the heater core. Sure, no heat, but you can at least drive it safely now.


Thanks, yeah I'll do the bypass........ it's been a long time since I've used that fix, but it works as well now as it did then.


Guess these genuine 1987 Fuji hoses finally hit their expiration date, I hate to think which one pops next, my money is on those vintage red ones :rolleyes:, don't think they've made those for a while.

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You can still get the red stuff - it's industrial grade rather than automotive grade. Good stuff, but not a lot of places carry it. If you care, you can still get the molded heater core hoses at the dealer for pretty cheap, but $1 a foot for generic 5/8" is hard to beat, and works fine. Just be careful removing the old ones - it's easy to smoosh the heater core supply tubes as they are just brass (or is is copper... I think it's brass though?!?).



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Wow, didn't know you could get the red stuff anymore, I've always run into it on my 60's hot rods, it seems to go more stiff and brittle (like a garden hose) than the black hoses that get all swolen and mushy.


What's going to be a PITA is the clamp @ the firewall, the screw is pointing straight down at the trans.

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buy your self some 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, and 3/4 low pressure hydraulic hose, either 200 or 500 psi no wire

reinforced braided vinyl also works, great to see flow


watch for clutch lever abrasion on heater hose and the little hoses are a booger to change



heat? in a subaru??? not when you need it LOL!!! :grin:

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Use a 1/4" ratchet and a deep socket. It will be either 8mm or 10mm depending on year.




It will be neither on this thing, it's the factory style that uses a regular philips headed type screw, both at the firewall are pointed down, gonna break out the stubby on them tomorrow, or the rotozip...either way. I guess they put these things on before the trans went in, the only way I see it could've be done.


Got my hose tonight and about 6 hose clamps, factory be damned!

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