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'95 Legacy: Brake squeal w/new OEM pads!

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My local independant Subaru shop, Superior Import in Portland, just did front brakes on my 95 Legacy wagon.


In all the time I've owned the car the brakes have never squealed, but with the new pads it squeals a lot, and is getting worse all the time. Superior Import says they used OEM pads and told me there's nothing they can do about the squeal, that I have to live with it.


Is that right, do I have to live with it?


Any suggestions on what needs to be fixed?


Thanks in advance.

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Did you break the brakes in correctly? That would cause squeeling.


The squealing started shortly after I drove away from the shop, so I don't think break-in was a factor. Also, I did not get any instructions from the shop about breaking in the new breaks. What should they have told me?

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Breaking in: Avoid hard stops for the first 200 miles.



Then, once they've mated pad to disc surface, give a good work out to get them hot - and smelly. Then drive for a few miles to cool them back down.

It is IMPERATIVE that you do NOT come to a halt when the new pads are smoking hot. So plan your route and don't do it while there's traffic.



As for the actual work done, look for a black shims on the pads, these are steel with a hard rubber backing, they kill squeal quite well.

If they aren't there: Squeal !

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Thanks all for your input. Combining all the comments above, here's my summary. Does this make sense?


- Break-in is important. I followed the process recommended here.

- Squealing brakes can be avoided - I should not 'have to live with it"

- There may be a problem with the brake work, such as shims left off or un-intended use of lower quality pads

- I should ask the shop to fix this, checking on the shims & pads


Does this make sense?


Thanks again.

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- There may be a problem with the brake work, such as shims left off or un-intended use of lower quality pads

- I should ask the shop to fix this, checking on the shims & pads


I just did my brakes and left the anti-squeek spacers out.... and it squeeks. Maybe they left those out?

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  • 1 year later...
Y'all were correct: there were no shims installed when the front brake pads were replaced on my 95 Legacy. Superior Import in Portland did the work, and told me, at the time, that I would have to live with the squeeling. Live and learn.

Geepers, you folks out there in "hither, yon" are very patient. You first posted this problem over a year ago:eek:

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