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and she's still going

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some of you may remember when i got my first soob almost a year ago and i posted a thread titled "subaru must be nuts," this thread prompted almost 6 pages in just 24 hours and i was very happy to see the community that i had been inducted was strong family indeed.


i wasn't sure about my car, although a 5 speed d/r of only 201000km when i bought her i was thinking more of a stop gape vehicle than anything else. a reliable transport nothing more.


well the winter slush series had begun and i needed to get some seat time in so i could be ready for when my autox car was prepped. i found that the car, although nimble, was not responsive and not very powerful. i was indeed disappointed in the performance in my little ea82 and on top of that she burned up a set of tires in only three months. (apparently when you have negative camber and an aggressive driver the only thing you can really do is tighten up the loose nut behind the wheel)


well summer came and my other car was ready for me to drive so i parked old faithful for the next 5 months while i had my fun in my summer car. but the tops on my summer ride started to leak and the breaks wore down quickly with wider then stock tires i installed for my tarmac fun.


september hit with some rain and cooler temperatures and i found myself transferring my insurance from the summer ride to the soob just for a weekend rallyx (my very first, ah...good times) the car was very well suited, a little pre-apex throttle and off she went. so many of the more experienced stage drivers would come up and say: "i used to have one of those", or "that's what made me start rallies in the first place". but you is just smile and go about the days fun.


after reading some of the more interesting threads on this forum i bought my first tow rope, mostly figuring that i would be the one to get stuck.


after a trip to a logging road for the first time in my soob i picked up some 185/80/13 m+s wich actually lifted the car up a bit giving me a measured 9" front and 10" rear.


this past couple of days i received something in the neighbourhood of 17cm snow most of it in about 12hours and i found that the car was damn near unstoppable in this weather, yesterday saw a snow plow get stuck on the mountain wich i live. i backed up so he could turn around and then i finished the run without him.


board and without power, my gf and i trekked out to see where we could go. i went to my work to see that it was not enter-able and found a neon stuck in a drift. my gf says we should help, so out come the tow rope and we haul her out. then we pass an early 80's Volvo high centered on a drift, they must have been there for a while because they had almost dug a perimeter around the rear of the car for it to try and move, i just shrugged my shoulders and said "one more couldn't hurt"...one tug and out it came.


high on my new experience we come across this ranger p/u stuck on the side of the road from the previous snow. i guess the plow had pushed it into the ditch or something like that but it was stuck pretty good. after looking for a tow hook in the front of the truck for almost 10 min when i'm like f'k it and i hook it on a control arm mount and give it one solid tug, the truck didn't move. a guy with a cherokee passes by and stops to watch this very unusual sight "what do you mean, your car is gonna pull this truck?" i just smile and get back in my car when traffic had time to clear.


i tighten the slack and revher right out and drop her from 4g in 1low, lit the tires right up and wore the ice right out from beneath me, and a little road pain. after maybe a second out it came. they guy in the jeep just look amazed as he got back in his vehicle and drove away.


after i collected my gf and tow rope i turned the car around and the guy with the ranger came up to my window and tried to hand me $10 "this is all i've got on me" he said...

"no thanks, i did it for the fun of it..." as i drove away

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Drifting on some winding park roads last winter, I hit a corner a bit too hot & slid off into a ditch in my '87 GL. My friend was in his pickup in front of me, saw me slide in, and started to slow down to come & give me a ride, figuring I wasn't going to be able to get out.


Pop it into 4-Lo, blip of throttle, and I was up & out of the ditch by the time he got the truck stopped.


They're just all around awesome cars.



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ya know my 88 GL was towed and i was thinking of just signing it over to them and buying another car, but after reading this story i decided to go bail her out. i got the car with $1000. ya thats right, i got the car for free plus they gave me $1000. and latly i had been thinking of making it RWD and a ghetto drifter, but after the snow we are getting i think its going to get lifted.

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