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oh jeese Coolant burning

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Bahh now this things burning coolant, its not bad, its like, you start it cold, its ok, u drive it, fine, u park it, for like 10 minutes, start it, and it blows out large clouds of thick, white, sweet smoke and it goes right away, and theres little to no condensation in the exhaust driving down the road, somtimes when you stop or somthing you can smell it. The car runs cool, and runs fine, and the Rebuilt engine has like 26-30k on it, so i was thinkning more along the lines of the intake gaskets, they look like theres some grimy wetness around them, and the fact i read the aftermarket ones SUCK really bad, (wich im betting when they rebuilt it they used cheap aftermarket ones to save money) does this sound right? It CANT be a headgasket, why the hell would a company design a car that lasts not even 30k on head gaskets. NO bubles in the coolant, nothing like that. I was thinkin on a last leg that the head has a small crack in it, but that would make it do it ALL the time or somthing, and id see it pour out where the exhaust meets the head, and theres none.

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orderd, thanks! So do i have to fully remove the intake manifold to replace these? Any tips so i dont get coolant poured into my intake? Iv done it once on that XT but it was a spider intake, and didnt seem to have so many lines. Ohhh i should probably replace the Hose from Hell too, and sny other coolant hoses in that area, and get a bunch of vacuum lines and stuff. Oh im already excited :rolleyes:

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Remove the whole intake, and clean the surfaces up with a wire wheel in your drill. Chase the threads for the bolts, and clean them up good - anti-seize, etc. And only toque them to 12 ft/lbs.


Just drain some coolant out from the drain cock on the radiator till the level drops to where you can remove the intake.



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From my intake gasket fun, I offer the following:

First, loosen the intake bolts with the engine warm, especially if there are signs of coolant leaking. Removing them cold increases the chances of breaking one.

Second, use the drains on the heads to make sure enough coolant gets out of the engine. The regular radiator drain will take it below intake level, but using a wheel on a drill or die grinder will sort of suck coolant out of the passages, and make a mess out of it.

As soon as you have the intake off, stuff rags down the intake ports. Make sure they fit tight, and use a shop vac around them before you pull them out, unless you want to do head gaskets and reshape the combustion chambers.

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