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Wow.... Land Rovers are pretty hardcore


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When i first started wheelin' my OBS it was with an 97 discovery, that thing was an animal! we'd get it framed out in mud.. drop it in 4 lo, lock it up.. .and out we'd come... good times, i think a roo' would have a good time with that.. since we're so much lighter i think it'd be possible.... rediculous.. but possible.

I also came within 3ft of beating that discovery in a hill climb one night.... momentum is a subaru's friend ;)

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Always wanted a late model diesel defender 90. They still make em in europe, but we don't get them here. Damn close to the perfect (stock) off-road machine. Mog's are too dang big, and H1's don't really have the suspension flex - although they have more than a subaru, and better gearing by far.


The non-Ford engines in the old stuff were crap - you might not get stuck, but you probably will break down. They were using a V8 design built originally for buick I think back in the 50's all the way up till the early 90's and it they had a serious reputation for suckage.


Along with Jag, Rover now holds one of the top three "worst" for initial quality like 2 years running. Ford is trying to do something about it, but so far the new stuff is all about show, and pavement pounding.


They probably wouldn't be doing so bad if they would compete with the FJ and bring the D90 back over. As it is they are trying to compete with the escalade crowd.



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  GeneralDisorder said:
And you guys are impressed with the disco's. Funnay. Have one go a few rounds with a short-base defender and then see who's top dawg of the rover family.




Oh yea, there was a defender at the first Crawl 4 the Cure, I believe (it may have been a different run....but I don't think so). We watched it play around on the rocks near the Mud Runs.....yea, it was pretty impressive!!

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  Phizinza said:
What about in 10 years time when the computers start to go wrong and all the fancy stuff stops working?


The Defenders are still really stripped down. They are more like a fancy tractor inside. Not much to go wrong. And it seems that the biggest problems with the Rover's is with "initial" quality. A high percentage of Rover's compared to other brands are still on the road. It seems that once they get fixed, they tend to stay that way. The build quality problems are largely ones related to assembly, and not so much bad engineering. The Defender's have been usurped in the "safari" markets by the Land Cruisers, but it's mostly a case of price, and availibility. I just wish they would bring them back to the states.



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^^I think he was referring to the discovery in the origional video....did you watch it? apparently computer controlled everything!!



my uncle's disco is like 10 years old with close to 200k miles on it....it hasn't had any problems.




btw, I just saw a very sweet looking defender tool through Duluth today! I just thought it was pretty funny since we were just talking about it.

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Land Rovers are junk, over priced english plastic. They will take you to the store but with lots of repairs. My buddy bought a new one last year he put on 11,000 kms and he had to replace the brakes and roters, a mere 1500 bucks. He asked the guy at the shop if 11,000 is to low, he told him some get less some get more. Last winter cat skiing I spent a hour outside trying to get a guys land rover going, he had spnet at least 5 hours working on it before I came along, he hauled it back to Edmonton on a trailer. They are not hard core, they are junk

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  GeneralDisorder said:
Only the new ones (not including the defender). The old stuff is amazing.




Yeah -- the old series 88's (before the defenders) didn't even have any plastic on them... Even the discoveries are pretty capable offroad, but the defenders... they're something else. Don't know about the V8's but the old 4 and 6 cylinder ones ran forever (my dad's '61 is still runs great, aside from some lucas electronics... and of course, it leaks more 90 weight gear oil than even a subaru. I've seen a defender TDI running around town here. Wouldn't mind having one of them...



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For OEM offroad as a built focus from factory, the land rover is one of very few that really do well. I see from the door panels that there is no strange curves for future thoughts of easy repairs- just like the old ones. or say an IH scout american made (sadfully extinct).My first impression of one of those with electronics was phenomonal (it has been quite awhile with electronics). If mechanically they could achieve the same stuff, 20 years from new owners would be buzzing in forums like 87 GL mudders because it isn't dead yet. :)

Unchauvanistically: Sometimes, they almost make a vehicle for a MAN.

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Wow, I never realized there were so many Subaru Owners out there that thought of their vehicles as "Off-Road Capable". I joined the forum for insight with our family Outback wagon. A great car for what we own it for, and we have been very happy with it, but being an off road enthusiast for the better part of twenty years now, I can't imagine trying to "Wheel It", no many how many modifications were made. Maybe I've been in it too long, but the stuff I consider "Off roading" would be way over a Suburau's head, I'll stick to our D-90 for the wheeling...



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Hmmm. . .

You're new here, aren't you? Ever heard of the Rubicon Trail? Did you know that a group from this board did it in Subarus? One of them was a fairly lightly modified Brat (small lift, bigger tires, a bit more power, and other odds and ends).

I think if you took a look around, you'd see lots of evidence that Subarus (particularly the older ones) are a viable off-road machine. Of course, your '05 Outback could be modified to do better, as well. Drop in a dual-range tranny, lift it a few inches, voila!

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  SakoTGrimes said:


This vid is amazing. Could a Subaru do that? a Unimog?


There is a very good reason what the rest of the world swears by range rover..... and thats it. It is unstopable and can be fixed with duct tape, or in some parts of the world rubber from a rubber tree. The new ones for the general public arent that flexable repair wise, but the striped models are.


You know they never show you getting them back down again in these things.



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