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Brake Fluid Light on in Cold Weather

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As soon as the cold weather started, the brake fluid light on the dash lit up. The colder it is outside, the longer it stays on, and below -20 it's on all the time. We've been blessed with warm weather this week (i.e. >0) and no brake fluid light. What is happening? The level looks good in the cylinder. Could the previous owner have used the wrong fluid? If so, how would I test it?




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Amuse me. Chek the voltage output of the alternator. If the altenator is dying, the battery light may not come on, but the brake light will (aint electricity fascinating).

my altenator does this on my 1997. Once the altenator warms up, it pust out full voltage

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Amuse me. Chek the voltage output of the alternator. If the alternator is dying, the battery light may not come on, but the brake light will (ain't electricity fascinating). My alternator does this on my 1997. Once the alternator warms up, it pust out full voltage


The alternator is new, and the car is not showing any other signs of it dying. Twice, I've had alternators die on me on other cars, leaving me stranded; hence, I'm a bit hypersensitive about things electrical. Thanks for the idea.



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And make sure its all the way to the line, my Subarus have done this on many occasions. Just a little bit below the line and the light goes off on cold days.


Usually just means you need to add some brake fuild - it expands as it warms up, so you are probably right on the border where the switch is cutting in and out. My 86 does that as the pads wear.


Thanks, guys. I'll add a bit and hope for cold weather (not) to see if this works for me.



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I've had both an 87 t-wagon and now a 90 Leg LS that have/had this issue. Haven't found a cure for it, but it seems to be the float sticking and misreporting the level. I have flushed the system and the problem still comes back within a week. I haven't torn apart and thoroughly cleaned the fluid reservoir yet... seems like too much trouble to extinguish a light.

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my light comes on rite when i sart it but once i give it gas (kick it out of idle) it goes off...it is gettin to be there for new brakes:banana:


erm that sounds like ur alternator. the light comes on if theres somthing screwy with the electrical system, and when u rev it, the RPMs go up and the alt would make enough power or what ever so the light wouldnt come on


the light is tripped from low fluid also, it doesnt moniter brake pad wear

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the light is tripped from low fluid also, it doesnt moniter brake pad wear


It DOES monitor pad wear. The level of your fluid drops as the pads wear. At some point (assuming no leaks) the light will come on. That indicates to most people that their brakes need serviceing, and to a shop, it's also a clue that the pads are getting thin as the caliper piston bore contains more of the fluid from the reservior.



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my light comes on rite when i sart it but once i give it gas (kick it out of idle) it goes off...it is gettin to be there for new brakes:banana:


im going back to a voltage issue then. When the car is cold in the morning take a meter to ti and see what the voltage is when the light is on. Just because its a new altenator doesnt mean it cant go bad.



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