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1999 Legacy Wagon, 2.2, MT. After replacing thermostat, coolant leak has developed from around thermostat cover. That piece of black plastic has metal inserts where the two bolts go in. Tee spec torque is 60 in/lbs. I don't have a torque wrench that goes that low, so I snugged it up as best as I could remember the original was. I did not want to crack it with too much force. There is no gasket specified for that coupling in Haynes. Is anything recommended anyway? some sort of Permatex?




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You should have gotten a rubber O-ring along with the thermostat. If you bought Subaru OEM then you have to purchase the O-ring (called a thermostat gasket) separately. Without the O-ring installed in-between the thermostat and that cover, the assembly will leak like a sieve. NOTE: It will also leak if you don't have the O-ring properly placed, partially recessed and "holding in" the thermostat.

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