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Ever seen this much stuff on your front diff drain plug?

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auto AWD XT6 - the front diff oil plug had more stuff on it than i recall seeing on others that i've done, but maybe my memory is bad. i swiped off some of the stuff to create a ridge so you can see how much is there on top the drain plug. trans and diff are all functioning perfectly well, camera didn't want to focus well that close.


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I'm pretty sure they take more than that.
thanks snowman - you are correct. i changed the thread and edited it since i found out it takes 1.5 quarts. i added one, wasn't even on the stick. added another .75 and it came right up to full (some spillage in there for sure). i won't have my FSM's, owners manuals and some tools for a few weeks.
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auto AWD XT6 - the front diff oil plug had more stuff on it than i recall seeing on others that i've done, but maybe my memory is bad. i swiped off some of the stuff to create a ridge so you can see how much is there on top the drain plug. trans and diff are all functioning perfectly well, camera didn't want to focus well that close.


As long as there are no chunks its fine. Chunks are bad.




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yeah. the amount of crap on mine(84 4spd d/r) was way more than that, and had chunks of bearing, synchro and gear cog bits. I think that may have something to do with why 2nd gear hardly works anymore :rolleyes:


No way!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:



****if anyone else has some chunks show us some pics please!!!!******

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yeah. the amount of crap on mine(84 4spd d/r) was way more than that, and had chunks of bearing, synchro and gear cog bits. I think that may have something to do with why 2nd gear hardly works anymore :rolleyes:
that sounds like the mess i found on my six's drain plug after i blew second gear, i wish i still had the pics of that
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yeah, my camera is broken and I was greasy and didnt feel like pulling out my phone, but yeah 2nd gear is pretty much blown in this transmission, can use it on the street if I hold it but the littlest thing and it pops out. impossible off road or for any serious driving in 4wd :-( wouldnt be so bad if there wasnt so much slop in the bearings n stuff. It binds up in reverse pretty bad and its starting to slowly bind up a little bit in forward gears, I'd say this transmission wont be able to move the car in 5k-10k miles or so.

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