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EA82 Coil (Igniter)

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Subaru newbie here. Building a Trike with an EA82 motor. My motor is missing the coil. I have heard reference to coil & igniter. Is this the same thing? I don't know what the igniter is and I can't find any reference to one in the manual. I need to purchase whatever it is that I need. Can one of you tell me what I should look for. By the way, I'll be removing the stock carb and probably run a Weber 32/36. I have a pointless dist on it as well.





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yeah sort of.. the coil takes 12 volt charge (high amp) and sucks it up into a 35-45 thousend volt charge to make the spark ignight the flame. then sends it through the little black square thingy on the coil... thats the igniter. without the high voltage the spark wouldnt have enough power to jump acrossnthe plug under compression... I would just go ahead and buy a MSD coil.. or an equivalent.. Im going toget one sooner or later... itl give you a hotter spark... hope it helps

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There is no external ignitor on carb models..... it's inside the distributor. The "ignitor" is used on fuel injected engines so the ECU can control the coil. The carbs use a hall-effect distributor to trigger the coil and mechanical/vacuum advance for the timing. The external ignitor is neccesary for FI as the ECU does all the timing adjustments and needs to trigger the coil when it chooses.



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