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Any tricks to getting the crankshaft bolt back on??

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Is this a Manual or AT? If it is an auto, then you can pull a rubber cover plug from the front end of the tranny housing and get access to the flexplate. There are a couple of notches in the plate sufficiently beefy to allow you to wedge a screwdriver in there and effectively keep the thing from turning. If a MT, then the advice you've got from the other guys (in gear, parking brake set, etc.) in combination with the "impact hammer" trick will work.

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I read somewhere that there is a hole in the transmission bellhousing that accomodates a special flywheel tool that bolts to the housing or maybe just sits there and has teeth that sit in the teeth of the flywheel/ flexplate. Will try to find where I read this and pass it along.


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"Blue" is perfect...

Dude dig in deep and stop by your local harbor freight and for $20 you can get a chain wrench that is more than suitable for this task.


I heard loctite suggested on the crank pulley bolt....what type? blue? red? I used blue I hope that's good enough! :burnout:

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The tool I'm talking about looks like the one on the right in this pic. You can get the actual Subaru tool from subaru.spx.com but it's like $70.crankpulleybreaker1.jpg


i used a belt tool like that, and torque it to 100 ftlbs then drove to my subaru dealer and they torqued it to 140ft-lbs, free, since im a good customer. Im guessing the chain has rubber around it, so u dont damage the pulley correct?

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If it's a manual, put it in 5th gear and the parking brake should hold the car stationary.


I've made a couple of tools to hold the crank pulley, basically replicating the super-expensive one you can buy from Subaru. Just get some angle iron, a couple of bolts, and a welder, and you're set.

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