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Looking for a Good Source for EA82 Brush Guard

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I've been calling around town and none of the dealers can source a brush guard for my '94 Loyale, and I haven't seen one at the wreckers. Does anyone know where I can get one of these bad boys. I was looking at the brish guard pics off a link from the "Subaru's of the 80s" page, and the long model with the winch looks great, but I'll settle for just about any one.





PS: I posted a WTB listing on the Wanted page in the marketplace.

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Its been a while, but I seem to remeber a guy on this board named SteelyDel who made some EA82 brushguards. Also, Scorpion in Austrailia used to have them on thier website http://scorpionsubaru.com/retail.htm

I don't know if you can find SteelyDel, and I seriously doubt that ordering one from Down Under would be cost effective, but at least you know that they exist.

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Have to build your own, or have one built. You just remove the stock bumper, and start cutting steel. EA81 is too narrow, and will not easily adapt.





Not completely accurate but there is certain models of the brush guard that would be tough to impossible to get on an EA82. There is however at least one that is very easily adapted.




It took me less than an hour, a drill, some spare metal, and some tough bolts to make it work. Mine is on my lifted sedan extremely well, have pulled and pushed several cars/trucks with it. Any of the other members who have seen it in person will attest to it's strength. I also did it in such a way that it can be taken off and put right on an EA81 again (since I didn't actually modify the guard or mounts at all, just made some spacers to push it out a tad).

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I do have one of the EA81 long style pushbars but like everyone is saying you would have to adapt it. I had a guy interested in buying it earlier, problem is it would cost more to ship it than the cost of the pushbar itself. I would have to agree that your best bet overall is to have one fabed. Good luck!

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