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Ok, so I have 2 RX's again...


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That means its time for double the headaches!


Soon I'll have a 3rd one...as soon as I get time to go an GET it from NC...



Here's the plan..


my 87 will stay on course for the AEM/16G/Meth/etc etc...:burnout:


The 88...actually this one I owned before...before me it was pleadies's...then i sold it to JWX, and now I have it again...

it will be the full time MegaSquirt machine. :brow:


The other 87...if I ever get it...will be the Girlfreind's play toy so she doesnt break her WRX anymore. :clap:



According to everyone and their brother's sister's aunt's freind who has a 5th cousin....batch fire works just fine. So....I'll give it another shot...and if not, the MS can do BANK fire....meaing I can fire the 1-3 side independently of the 2-4 side...so, I'll give it another round. This time, since I'll have 4 other cars to choose from on a daily basis...I'll REALLY give it a go. :banana:

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true, true. granted, my car is a mess under the dash. but when i get new engine built, im stripping the car and re doing everything.


what did it take to make it plug and play? i am thinking that i should be up and running by spring if im lucky. i guess i need to start saving.

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