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Pinout for the SMJ 90-94 legacy?

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It is in a FSM


a friend has my FSM, which happens to be one of those E-bay store copies that leaves out the foldouts so it probably won't have what i need anyway


The 10 gajillion FSM scans on the internet also have all left out the SMJ fold out


It would be near the front of your FSM book 6 if you have a "real" copy and if you find it would you be a dear and scan it and upload it?

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Mine is a factory service manual for a 1990 Subaru. And it makes

reference to a fold out....I don't see one anywhere in book 6.

If you have the electrical schematics the pin out of all the

connectors appear to be there.

No idea why my book liste the foldout but does not have it.

My books when purchased were clean and pure as if they

had never been touched.


Sorry I don't have a copy. Post a link to it if you find it please.



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sorry about the format...how do I attach an excel file? This is from the Subaru-vanagon list....trust it's all the same. You may be able to deciper the crap below. There are four columns by 16 rows for the 16 pin SMJ and 4 columns by 12 rows for the 12 pin SMJ. The four column headings from left to right are Computer Instrument side; Wire location; Engine side; and Color. Note that pins 6 and 8 on 16 pin SMJ and pin 8 on 12 pin SMJ have no wiring.




1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16




Ign relay#3 1 Injectors Y/R

d6 2 CPC solen W/Bl

Ign Relay #4 3 IAC +CPC Sole Y/R

Ign. On 4 Injectors Y

Ignitor 5 Coil R/G


Ignitor 7 Coil Lt Bl


d13 9 Injctr 1 Br

d12 10 Injctr 2 Lt. G

d11 11 Injctr 3 Lt. Bl/W

d26 12 Injctr 4 Lt Bl

d/24d25 13 Ground B/Y

Ignitor 14 Ground B

d14 15 Ground B/W

a11/a22 16 Ground B/R


1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12


c6 1 Throt. Snsr Br

b1 2 Throt. Snsr W

b3 3 Throt. Snsr R

b2 4 Throt. Snsr B

a7 5 H20 Temp Sndr B/Y

a21 6 H20 Temp Sndr R/G

c11 7 Ground G/B


Oil Press Lt (.3bar) 9 Oil Prss Sndr G/W

Temp Gauge 10 Eng Thermometer W/G

d2 11 By-Pass Air Cont W

d1 12 By-Pass Air Cont B

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