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Is My '86 THAT Smart???

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I have been having an issue with idle kick-down when warm. Now the car never kicks-down. Today I was driving and I noticed the volt meter thing on the dash was at mid-red to 8. The car eventually kicked down to well over 1K rpms. Was always at 1K steady previously.


Tonight riding home, it jumped to 2.25 or better rpm while cold and then kept rising. My volt meter on the dash dropped to 0. My lights dimmed and stereo flashed with no sound. I shut everything down except the lights which were dim as heck. The rpms jumped to almost 3K in neutral. I obviously was running just lights off the battery, but was the car smart enough to keep the idle up to prevent stalling? Please say no... this BRAT freaks me out with its intuitive personality as it is...

soooo, can anyone give me causes, but more importantly, fixes? H-E-L-P!

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