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Why isn't an EA82 a raging "hot rod"?


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The topic was hotroding an EA82, I made some points on why it's limited, namely the 3 90 degree turns the air has to make to get into the cylinder, and said why removing the heated manifold would be a dumb idea.


Some time ago, I came across someone who made a "seperated" intake. Forget if it was an EA81 or 82, it was a number of years ago, for airplane use. Made custom flanges and ran the coolant seperated from the intake. Had a section with hose to allow for the cool intake not expanding as much as the whole block. They claimed about 10 HP or so.


I don't remember if they used the coolant passage immediatly under th throttle body to prevent icing, but I suppose you could keep that.


Maybe I should attach a couple of my thermocouples to the intake and see how warm it is. Or better yet, measure the temperature of the intake mixture itself.

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OK guys, it is long past time to either grow up or go pick on somebody else. 3 pages of pointless and off-topic posts is more than enough. Nothing is being served by your personal attacks. If you don't agree with Bgd73, politely say your peace and move on; better yet, just don't respond. If what he types is as offbase as what you think then others will not be swayed by it either, so no need to ridicule him "to protect others from his misinformation".


What you are doing is bullying and is not OK, so please stop.

i'll stop when his worthless posts stop just to be blunt with it he's the problem here. he acts like he's god and and we should all take his word as such, i have no pity and will continue to berate and abuse him until he atleast accepts that it is important to create a theory then try to disprove it and if you fail it may be true, where as his way where he says somthing like this:"there is electrical corrision on my wheel nuts, there for electricity must be making it's way through the frame to the nuts then from the nuts to the ground." when posts defiying logic stop i'll stop



i hate to gang up on people but he brings it all upon himself no pity here, i'll stop when he does


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The topic was hotroding an EA82, I made some points on why it's limited, namely the 3 90 degree turns the air has to make to get into the cylinder, and said why removing the heated manifold would be a dumb idea...

As you (and others) have pointed out, airflow is the key. On paper, the specs for the EA82 (especially the MPFI variant) looks like it should produce some respectable power: Oversquare short-stroke engine, overhead cams, crossflow head, short crankshaft, and EFI. Shouldn't be any real issue pulling 80-100HP/liter out of that design spec. Datsun/Nissan did that over a decade earlier from a longer-stroke design. But the EA82 has the deficit of siamesed ports, which precludes intake/exhaust tuning, and the engine doesn't make use of its high-revving block. I think the problem is the "performance specs" are accidental/incidental, and are a byproduct of evolution of a utilitarian engine design. Boxer engine to be compact in length and height, so short crankshaft. Crossflow head makes perfect sense for packaging a boxer. To fit between the framerails the stroke becomes limited, so as the engine grows it becomes more oversquare. As engine designs advance, the company delves into OHC designs, using its older design as the base. SPFI, MPFI, and forced induction are added for various reasons (emissions/fuel economy/racing homologation). The EA82 was an evolutionary step between the EA81 and the EJ-series, and its design suffered for it.


For those who wish to argue over "hotrodding" the EA82, the same argument can be used for any Subaru engine design. Why bother messing with these limited designs when it is easier and cheaper to pull more power out of other engines that are more plentiful and cheaper?


"Because we can and we want to" should be a good enough answer. Its a hobby and doesn't need to be rationalized. Peace and Love to all of you Subaru enthusiasts. :)

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