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Disassembling a Short Block

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I've got an EA82 shortblock sitting in my backyard, it was left out in the snow, was no good to me and probably is now no good to anyone.


I want to open it up and see how things are put together. How do I say, split the case halves? Keep in mind, I have no special tools, and don't care if I damage the block much more. Everything is still in it, pistons, etc.


Can I just remove the bolts that hold the halves together and pull them apart even with the pistons and everything still attached?

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Sometimes they are a real pain to get out. I have a special tool (very, very special), and so I haven't tried to make any. I would think a peice of bar stock with a hook bent in one end could reach through and pull the pin out. Sometimes they slide right out, other times they require pretty strong hammering to knock em loose. Carfreak85 had this problem a while ago - might ask him how he handled it. The factory tool is a slide hammer setup IIRC. Mine is a split arbor tool that's very unique, but it's not something you can buy. Mine was made by Shadow on his mini-lathe. I think he made three of them total, and one was for himself :rolleyes:



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same here, the tool i had was made by someone specifically for this application. in with the local dealer at all? i know people have borrowed tools from local dealers, if they would even have it of course.


have you searched at all? i'd imagine others have figured out how to do this without the special tool but my memory on this is vague. the pistons won't pull all the way through, they have to come out the top (head side). that's why you can't just split the block. although you could try and see if there's room to get to the rod bolts like GD said.

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What's an easy to way to pull the wrist pins? The manual says to use a special tool. I don't have any special tools :-\


I did this with an EA81 so I am not sure if it will apply for an EA82.


I was able to take out the wrist pins on the rear two pistons. I used a slide hammer and was able to get it out.


The front I was not able to remove the plug to access the wrist pins. I was able to get the block split partially and then unbolt the front two rods.



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thats what phil , me , and noss did with his ej22t


You can definately tip the block halves and get them apart. It ain't fun but its possible. Must be on a bench where you can get good eye on it, leverage on the halves to pull them upward/downward from each other and once you have 2 its alot easier to get the 3rd/4th.

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