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My 05 legacy 2.5 i (4 speed automatic) has almost 30 k miles and will need to change the transmission fluid and the differential oil. I read some time ago that subaru uses a semi-synthetic AT fluid but I have not been able to verify this information. I was at the dealer the other day for some warrantee issues and he claims that the AT fluid is the latest version of dexatron. Does anyone have any information on the correct AT fluid for this car? For the differential I am planning to use a synthetic gear oil any recommendations? Thanks for your replies in advance.

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isnt dextron 5 the latest? ANd works with dextron 1,2,3,4?
Actually, Dexron VI has been out for a while, and at least GM claims it's backward compatible with older hardware. If I were upgrading ATF, I'd want to do a full flush rather than trust that the fluids are completely compatible. See:




I believe Dexron III is okay for the 4EAT (which is what the '05 2.5i has), but not for the 5EAT (found in the GT).

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I saw the dexron III and dexron III (H) at the parts store but no dexron VI. Should I just use the dexron(H) or would the dexron VI be better for the transmission. I am planning to change the filter to make sure I get most of the factory fluid out. Note that the factory fluid does not look red like dexron and smells more oily. Not sure what it is?

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Hm...all I could really find was amsoil saying "Subaru ATF, Part No. K0140Y0700".


If a Dexron III fluid is acceptable, I'd just go with a quality synthetic such as redline, schaefferoil, amsoil, mobil1, specialtyforumulations.


For the differentials, I'd go with a synthetic gear oil; the manufacturers listed make nice ones. Optionally you could avoid mobil1 for the gear oils as they've had 'issues' in the MT's but I think it was ok in diffs.

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