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Anybody catch the news? I made the news!!

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Anybody catch the channel 4 or 7 news here in seattle?? on wednesday? I made the news!! some guy fell asleep on I-5 by 188th, and hit a light pole... it landed across two lanes.. and well doing 60 on a dark night... you can't stop I ran into the pole flatening all four tires instantly... (bending rims)


three other cars followed... so all the other cars had serious damage... and there drivers all went to the hospital...


+1 to Aarons Auto Wrecking. they got me four wheels, and Nice Tires... for $100.


anyhow I put new wheels on and it seems to be driving fine... and strong... I now how a new love for Subies for keeping me safe... I will never own anything else........

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The obvious question is... were you using Dino or Synthetic?

Kidding;). Glad you passed the obstacle part of the driving test!:banana:


I did the same thing with a small tree in a 1993 Toyota Corrola. Bent all four rims, poped one tire other three had bubbles in the sidewalls. Got four rims from junk yard new tires under road hazard warrenty:banana: and alignment and it was never better. Till 40k down the road the rear struts froze down!:slobber:

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Everyone else went to the hospital not because their cars faired the pole abuse any worse than yours but because they are gonna bank some serious lawsuit coin!. You shouldn't have paid a nickle for the new rims and tires. Everybody else is gonna sue up and down; the pole manufacuturer, the guy who hit the pole, the county where the pole was located and, what is more, since you went across the pole first you're gonna be suspect. You shoulda called a lawyer.



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I don't know the situation, but from what xoomer writes, I don't think he's got anything to worry about seeing as the guy who fell asleep looks to be liable for all the subsequent damages.


Although Juan brings up a good point- why not just file a claim and buy 4 new tires and rims? while you are waiting for the rims to come in, you can rent a Hummer while your car is out of commision?

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Anybody catch the channel 4 or 7 news here in seattle?? on wednesday? I made the news!! some guy fell asleep on I-5 by 188th, and hit a light pole... it landed across two lanes.. and well doing 60 on a dark night... you can't stop I ran into the pole flatening all four tires instantly... (bending rims)


three other cars followed... so all the other cars had serious damage... and there drivers all went to the hospital...


+1 to Aarons Auto Wrecking. they got me four wheels, and Nice Tires... for $100.


anyhow I put new wheels on and it seems to be driving fine... and strong... I now how a new love for Subies for keeping me safe... I will never own anything else........


Glad you're OK and that the repairs were not costly.

It's a rather hard initiation to pole vaulting... ;)

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...and for $100 Its not worth it to me to sue.


You may be receiving a settlement offer anyway. If police were present or if ID numbers + insurance info was exchanged, lawyers may end up calling you for a release. As follows...


I was once the front car in a four-car pileup in RI. In that case it was the last guy who was ultimately responsible - as he hit the car in front of him and pushed them all into the next car ahead. My car was fine really, I was a bit shaken but that was temporary. Old black bumper cover looked like it did before, it had miscellaneous minor dings here and there.


After a few weeks I got a call from a law firm. They wanted to know about any damages or medical costs. So I had a dealer look at the bumper and he wrote it up, something like $300-400 to replace the cover.


When I told the law firm the amount they asked me if I'd be willing to sign a release and they would send me a payment of $1000. They wanted the release - their guarantee that I wouldn't come back with a whiplash claim or some other issue a few months later. I'm sure I could have squeezed them for more than the $1000 but I didn't feel greedy; I felt lucky!


I signed that release real quick and received payment. Among other things I bought decent lawn mower with some of the $$; I'm still using that mower. :banana:

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  • 2 months later...
You can take him to small claims court, if he was 51% or more at fault (and it sounds like he was!)

I once took someone to small claims court and won my judgement. Well that was great except I never saw a dime. Winning is one thing while collecting is another. if the guy didn't have insurance, I have a feeling he wasn't rolling in the dough.


Like I said before, it's best just to file a claim against your insurance company then they will go after the other guy (if they think it's even worth it)

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Otis, the next time you you need to go to small claims court get you the book for your State that shows how to win and collect judgements in your State. You can find these at Amazon, they are things the court can make people do that you have a judgement against that it becomes easily for them to pay then comply with the courts demands. If they fail to comply with the court they can be held in contempt and be put in jail.

I once took someone to small claims court and won my judgement. Well that was great except I never saw a dime. Winning is one thing while collecting is another. if the guy didn't have insurance, I have a feeling he wasn't rolling in the dough.


Like I said before, it's best just to file a claim against your insurance company then they will go after the other guy (if they think it's even worth it)

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Once you get the judgement, you can sieze wages and freeze bank accounts Any cost of doing so or using a marshall is added to the judgement.

P.S .employers don't especially like marshalls showing up at a place of business and then again, tying up someone's bank account usually gets their attention since they can't withdraw money (they don't realize this until they've deposited a check or two).

The court works. Just stay within the statute of limitations, be professional and prepared and follow the steps.

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Not to fast every State is different, he is in Washington. You are correct the I.R.S. can do these things with a judgement. And maybe they can be done in your State, Here in Tx. it is much harder for an invd. to collect, but it can be done.

Once you get the judgement, you can sieze wages and freeze bank accounts Any cost of doing so or using a marshall is added to the judgement.

P.S .employers don't especially like marshalls showing up at a place of business and then again, tying up someone's bank account usually gets their attention since they can't withdraw money (they don't realize this until they've deposited a check or two).

The court works. Just stay within the statute of limitations, be professional and prepared and follow the steps.

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