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Happy New Year, first of all.


Been awhile since I've been on here. I guess that means I've been lucky with no issues. Anyhooo, stats first:


1996OBW, 2.2L, 5MT, 200K miles.


Recently had a CEL. Came up as P0500 - vehicle speed sensor. The CEL then went off and has not reappeared. Early November, I replaced fuel filter, air filter, and PCV valve. Lately,when I quickly decellerate, like coming off a freeway exit ramp and slowing to stop at a stop light, the engine stalls completely. I can very quickly restart it and get moving just fine, but this is definitely an issue. It seems to happen more frequently when I'm coming to a stop while turning around a curve.


In case it should somehow be related, since it happens while braking, I've had te ABS light come on intermittantly, too. That's probably unlikely, but I want to give all the info I can.


Any help would be appreciated.



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The vehicle speed sensor will cause this too. I've been running without the spedo cable on my 2.2 for a while, and it will stall coming up to lights.


Can you start the car without pushing in the clutch?


Nope. I do have to push the clutch all the way to start the car. Although I do have issues with starting it in cold temps. I turn the key. No start. Pump the gas and turn again and it starts right up. But that actually started happening last winter, so I wouldnt think it's connected.


Thanks for the input.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if it was related, but who knows? Yesterday, while driving about, the gauges and radio would intemittently just go out. Motor kept running; just the gauges and radio would completely shut off, then right back on again. I had Advance Auto test the battery and alternator and everything tested fine. I made it home ok, but the electrical dash stuff (idiots lights not affected, however) kept occurring.


This morning I checked about the engine compartment to see if I could find any loose wires anywhere and I noticed the ground wire from the Neg terminal on the battery to the front of the car had become corroded and frayed to the point of just hanging there by a thread. I cut off the corroded end of both of the leads and hooked it all back up. This fixed my radio and gauge problem from yesterday, and so far, the original problem I posted about hasn't occured.


Perhaps I found the culprit?

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