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Woke up to a freezing rainstorm in Whitefish.

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Our steep driveway was a solid sheet of unbroken ice for 120'.


Even the Subie with studs took two tries to make it out. I ended up backing back into the garage until the bumper was touching the motorcycle then flooring it until I started to spin on the ice. The fact that there is also a long sweeping left on the slope injected even more excitement into the venture ... can you say 'throttle steer'?


Our neighbors had come home late, and left their car (Passat) up on the road. They watched us coming up and couldn't believe we made it.


Damn warming trend. :mad:

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I don't have anything but mud puddles to drive in!


And you are complaining:confused: :P haha Sorry i love mud. Yea i was riding up in the woods on my four wheeler in the snow, and on the way back down, it had completley frozen over... I Did a 360 around one corner in about mid 3rd, so about 35 mph or so.. :headbang:

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Reminds me of why I left MT...It doesnt snow...I was at Big Mtn once and it might have been 10 degrees and we were getting freezing rain. I asked a patroller how cold does it have to be to snow...his reply "We get a lot of wierd **** aloft"


Anyway at least you're in MT where the population might only be 30% Californians...whereas here in UT if there is a flake in the sky you better have your head on a swivel cause its only a matter of time until one of them crashes near, into, or around you.


BTW...its gonna get going good up there next week.

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Hi mtsmiths,

You're lucky cause there is no playing in the snow or on ice here in «hard winter city» Montreal. It's 50°F and raining outside right now and no snow on the ground. Grass everywhere in the park in front.

Global warming is a hoax, it's only local (like in every locality...).

Went through some hard times lately and wished I had a jug of Purple Jesus ;)

Pigeons outside my window yesterday seemed to be doing their mating dance. They must think it's already springtime. I just hope for their offsprings that their reproductive system is more clever than they are.

Take care.

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Powderhound- it's been a good year so far up on Big mtn,I think they are approaching 120 inches so far with a heck of alot more forecasted this weekend and this next week. as Smitty said in the valleys it's been hit and miss with lots of ice as evidenced by his driveway. Smitty- I asked our stoggie rep to replace all of my cigars so I should be getting all new ones in the next couple of weeks,sorry about that. John

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