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Just bought an 84 Turbo BRAT

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Hey y'all. I just bought a very clean, rust free 84 Turbo BRAT with 90K on it. I have been reading and searching a lot on this site to figure out what I bought, and what to do with it. This is my first Subaru, and I have a lot to learn and a lot of ideas for the future.


This forum seems like a good bunch of enthusiasts, and I look forward to your help. I will be posting some threads about various issues that come up, but only after I search and can't find a satisfactory answer. So forgive me if I post something that has been asked countless times before.


I plan to sell some items that I may not need, such as the original Subaru Snugtop shell, bumpers, pushbar, jump seats and rear carpet, all in excellent condition.

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nice find!!ive been lookin for a 84-86 i can afford. you have a jem dont ler er go. lol i have a brat my self a gen 1. (1979) if you need help with the site or your brat you can hit me up. im on alot and work on subarus daily. but there are alot of other guys on here who are very good as well. if i dont know somthin your asking ill show you some one who does:)




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The year turbo engine you have is the first model imported to the US. And probably the most difficult one to work on for a first time Subaru owner. There are several here that have owned this model/engine and some have extra parts or complete engines.

One of the biggest issues is back in 84 the Dealers did a recall to upgrade the turbo to add watercooling. Look at the thermostat housing to see if there is a water line on the bottom right front that goes back to the turbo. This will tell you if its been upgraded or not. If not, its not that hard to upgrade the entire turbo system to a watercooled system. Also, the tranny they used (3AT) are known for being gutless and unreliable. Theres a upgrade for this also, but a little more involved. Use the search function here for 5spd swap.

Welcome to the USC and the Board, hope you enjoy your Brat.

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Thanks guys for the warm welcome. The trans seems to be fine for now. The only thing I have noticed so far is a clunk when shifting into reverse. The shifting is crisp through the gears. It could use an OD, but the engine seems to be happy to rev out on the freeway.


I just looked at the thermostat, and there are two hoses below the tstat. a short one goes to the right to the intake manifold, the other goes to the rear and up to the cast aluminum "Turbo" intake. I did see a hose that comes off the intake manifold, and it looks like it could be going down to the turbo. Do you think this is the water cooling line for the turbo?


The Turbo casting has a rubber hose on the intake side which is leaking a lot of oil/grease. Does this indicate a leaking oil seal in the turbo? Should I be concerned, or just clean the mess and monitor it?


I bought this car from the original owner's family, so the full history is known, (to them at least) and it seems to be well maintained.



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I didnt know you were close to me!?


  Turbone said:
The year turbo engine you have is the first model imported to the US. And probably the most difficult one to work on for a first time Subaru owner. There are several here that have owned this model/engine and some have extra parts or complete engines.

One of the biggest issues is back in 84 the Dealers did a recall to upgrade the turbo to add watercooling. Look at the thermostat housing to see if there is a water line on the bottom right front that goes back to the turbo. This will tell you if its been upgraded or not. If not, its not that hard to upgrade the entire turbo system to a watercooled system. Also, the tranny they used (3AT) are known for being gutless and unreliable. Theres a upgrade for this also, but a little more involved. Use the search function here for 5spd swap.

Welcome to the USC and the Board, hope you enjoy your Brat.

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yea i never look at location:rolleyes: ... what is ur daily driver?? i seen the sweetest WRX STI pumpin atleast 400 horses comin outta Black Diamond today. i was in heaven for the breif second it passed:slobber: I waved to the guy and he gave me a look like 'what the hell' lol so if anyone reads this and you have a wrx sti modded... will you take me for a ride? ill pay for everything. :)

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I removed the carpet and strip today. The carpet is near new condition, with just one small snag that could be fixed. The strip is good too, but it needs to be stripped or blasted and painted.


The bed is in fantastic condition, with hardly a blemish to be found.

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Well done, enjoy, they really are a fun car but fit a manual box and really drive it, mine runs a 4 speed D/R, (have a 5 but to lazy to fit it for the moment), and will remain so until the clutch or gearbox lunch themselves. Pick up is quicker but it makes no real difference to economy as they're all bad, auto or not. Again good luck and know you have picked up a very desireable vehicle with very few miles on the clock and that most early Subaru enthusiasts will be envious when they know what you've got.

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  Scott F said:
Hey y'all. I just bought a very clean, rust free 84 Turbo BRAT with 90K on it. I have been reading and searching a lot on this site to figure out what I bought, and what to do with it. This is my first Subaru, and I have a lot to learn and a lot of ideas for the future.


This forum seems like a good bunch of enthusiasts, and I look forward to your help. I will be posting some threads about various issues that come up, but only after I search and can't find a satisfactory answer. So forgive me if I post something that has been asked countless times before.


I plan to sell some items that I may not need, such as the original Subaru Snugtop shell, bumpers, pushbar, jump seats and rear carpet, all in excellent condition.


Where are you in SoCal? I am in Central coast Cali (San Luis Obispo). I own an 84 Turbo brat also, and if you need any parts, or mechanical assistance, let me know. I've got spare parts to every one of the 8 subarus I have owned, lol.



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Thanks Mike! We may have the only two left in CA. I am in OC. Look me up if you ever come down.


It turns out that the 3AT really do suck. This one does not down shift when cold, but I can do it manually. Once it is warmed up, it shifts normally.


I am strongly considering a 5 speed D/R swap, especially if this tranny craps out. Further down the road, I may want to do an EJ turbo 5 speed swap, especially if I do some major suspension redesign.

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unless you enjoy the prospect of making a custom tranny crossmember, shift linakge, driveshaft, and so on and so forth as i am doing i would get a f/t4wd trans driveshaft and rear end out of an ea82 gl10 turbo, but the adapter plate and put the ej in the brat that way, they will hold up pretty good to the power of a turbo ej even with a few mods, you can go five lug without having too much extra trouble as well

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  86BRATMAN said:
unless you enjoy the prospect of making a custom tranny crossmember, shift linakge, driveshaft, and so on and so forth as i am doing i would get a f/t4wd trans driveshaft and rear end out of an ea82 gl10 turbo, but the adapter plate and put the ej in the brat that way, they will hold up pretty good to the power of a turbo ej even with a few mods, you can go five lug without having too much extra trouble as well


My thoughts at this time are to swap the 5spd D/R for now, because this engine still runs like a top. If and when I go crazy with suspension and chassis mods, I would follow it up with a major power upgrade. The custom fabrication does not bother me. It's half the fun.


I am not yet fully familiar with all of the possible swaps and upgrades, and I am open to any suggestions.

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