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URGENT!! i need help tonight! 86 EA82

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no spark where? at the plugs or out of the ignition coil? first step is to determine that. if there's spark from the coil but not at the plugs then your problem is with the distributor cap, rotor, ignition wires or spark plugs. if there's no spark out of the coil then there are a number of possibilities that have increasing levels of difficult to figure out. first i'd swap in another coil and/or FET resistor (the little thingy attached to the coil bracket that bolts and grounds to the strut tower underneath the coil). this FET needs to be grounded well, make sure the bolt is in place and no funny business with the metal there..paint or rust issues?any other recent issues or work done? or the car was fine and then bam...no spark?


what engine/vehicle? carb, FI....etc?

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on the XT6 there's a ground wire going from the coil to the front drivers side of the engine. i don't know how an 86 EA82 is set up but i'd imagine there's a similar single wire ground wire going somewhere from the coil....is that connected?


this isn't that whacked out carb/ECU weird combo engine is it?

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Get yourself a volt meter, or at the very least a test light, you're not gonna be doing any electrical diag without it.


once you get the proper tools, check for 12 volts at the + side of the coil, and see if that's getting the juice.


After that pull the center wire off of the disty and hold it close to any metal part of the engine, and have a buddy crank over the engine, see if you have spark.


If you have spark there, its an issue with the disty connections, if you don't, your coil or wiring to the coil is bad.

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