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.......but from where?




That plate is covered in oil, but its not coming from the drain plug nor is the oil pan leaking.




View from the top; some burnt off oil, which would explain the burning smell. None on the other side.




View from the bottom, also got some oil, but the opposite side does as well.



Cam seal? Baffle plate? Something else?


My '96 LGT leaked from the cam seal. $200.

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a new PCV valve may slow down the leaking some. use Subaru only on that part. i'd replace the easy stuff - the cam seals and monitor the oil level. if you're not loosing a significant amount then i'd leave the separator plate for awhile, they typically seap and don't leak significant amounts. it could also be the rear main seal, though they rarely leak from the factory. or if you're paying someone big dollars to replace those $5 cam seals, then maybe you can live with that minor amount of leakage as well. the cam seals are located directly behind the timing belt, so it's nice to time those for replacement at the same time. in other words if you timing belt is due in 20,000 miles, just replace the cam seals at the same time. or if you go in to do the cam seals now, have the timing belt done as well, since it has to come off anyway. there's zero extra labor for installing a new belt, except removing it from the box! and some epoxy on the garage floor might help so you can wipe up the drippage!

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These guys are right on- separator plate or rear main seal on the first pic, both are what I like to call "livable" leaks as long as oil leakage isn't copious. Both my EJ22 and EJ25 leak a little oil from that same area. But I am glad to say that I haven't seen any seepage as of late. Just watch your oil level and everything will be fine.

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