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Is 7,500 miles an excessivley short tire rotation spec? Probably. However, I would stick to the schedule as as long as the drivetrain is still under warranty (60,000 miles). The AT, and especially the multi-pack clutch are potential weak spots on the Subaru. For that reason the tire rotation and tire matching specs are very tough. BTW, I followed the 7,500 mile rotation while my 1999 Forester was under warranty. After that, is was a tire rotation every other 5,000 mile oil change. I sold the car at 200,000 miles without experiencing any AT problems.

If you pay attention to your tires, including keeping them up to pressure, 10,000 miles probably isn't much of a stretch.

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I work at a national tire dealer, and deal with tires every day. tire rotations are reccomended every other oil change or 2x a year based on the average 12-14,000 mile driveing per year. When you rotate them you should also have the balancing checked. 3 most common problems for shortened tire life is not rotating, not balanceing, and alignments.


alignments should be check 2x a year as well.

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The retailer where I bought my tires rotates them for

free every 5000 miles. Seems a little excessive but its

their suggestion and it is free. Of course they also

suggest rebalancing at every rotation and "of course"

they charge for the balancing. I suppose if I don't

let them rotate and rebalance, then if I complain about

tire life they will blame it on my maintenance, or lack




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Every other oil change if I remember or am not too tired/out of garage time.


I had one set of Michelins actually last me the 80,000 miles they said they would. For $100 a tire they were certainly worth it even though the sticker shock was :eek: . I had cords showing at the very end - and I am positive tire rotations were key to getting so far.

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  fnlyfnd said:
I think thats a lil much....2x a yr alignment and balance. If the car goes straight and doesn't shake I think you're alright. No as far as rotation yea every 2 oil changes espeacialy with awd


Shaking is NOT from alignment..its a big misconception. 2x a year to get the the manufactirer milage warrenty. Tires are expensive and most places will check it for free...why not have it checked. I dont know about you, but if I have a 60k tread life warrenty I want all 60K.

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