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Thanks Heartless, You read my mind... Gosh Darn those carjacking squirrels, raccoon, and deer...


:lol: If any of those animals come up to my door and try to carjack me, they get the car, no questions asked that's for sure!


But of course this isn't an issue with the car sitting in my driveway and me not in it... Then it's not really carjacking, it's just Grand Theft Auto ;)

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Like I said, I would rather have the doors locked than not, since they could fly open when you hit the deer. Crazy stuff can happen in accidents!


and if the doors locked when the car is put in gear, then if you do hit a deer, they would still be locked... :Flame:

So again, I see no reason for them to lock on startup...

and yes, crazy things DO happen in accidents! no argument there!




Meh, it's something that you get used too, like the autobelts. It's annoying for about the first month, then you just don't care, and consider it a convince rather than a hassle. At least I do. I completely understand thinking it's annoying as I did at first, but like I said, I would rather have it than not, so I just got used to it and adapted to it.


One feature I don't think I mentioned (DOH!) is that my remote start will allow me to remove my keys after inserting them into the ignition again. This allows me to leave my car, and then lock it, and still have my keys in my hand, while the car is still running. I just got in the habit of ALWAYS removing my keys whenever I get out of my car, then it's never an issue, since I still have my keys in my hand if the doors lock. I LOVE this feature of my autostart. This feature alone is well worth the install of the remote start. Infact, I will install remote start into the next manual car I own (and probably into my MR2), and just disable the remote start feature, but use it for this feature alone. It's so nice to be able to keep your car running if you need to run back into the house for something small or if you need to scrap something off of your car and you want the doors shut. It's sooo nice. And, not to mention, with remote start, I have no need to open my doors to start my car, so scrapping snow (or anything for that matter) off my car and having my door open is not an issue at all, since I can start my car without opening the doors. So I never have to sit in snow (or rain/mud/sleet/leaves/pine nettles/etc) either, AND it's TOASTY when I open the door for the first time to get into the car ;)




I am not special at all, remember I did lock myself out of my car too! The only reason I locked myself out of my car though, was because of my own stupidity and because I was in a hurry and didn't remove my keys like usual. One time in over 2 years, I can live with that! Having about a .001% chance of locking myself out of my car is an acceptable risk to me! :D


hehehe, yeah, i can see where once you got used to it, it would be a nice feature - but never having owned a car with remote start, or automatically locking doors, I guess I just dont "appreciate" these things the way you do

(altho the other half now has an 04 Merc with auto locking doors - but they dont lock until the vehicle is actually in motion...woudl still be locked if we hit a deer tho... :brow: )

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I just broke my key off in the trunklock tonight on my Legacy Sport.

Good thing i was home when i did that. I was unloading my beer.


I think i am down to only one spare left now.


I guess I should go get another spare made up tomorrow.


Maybe hide a extra key, good thing i didn't break the key off earlier when i was in Des Moines running errands. That would have meant 60 miles from the spare key.


good thread eh.

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i didnt break my key, but bent it pretty good a couple weeks ago - to the point of not being able to get it in the ignition after trying to straighten it out...had to steal the other half's spare so i could get to class... (good thing he was home at the time!)


had 2 new keys made a few days later...locksmith was impressed that I still had the original key with the numbers stamped in it. :D

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