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Can someone come listen to my car?

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I think my front diff is out inthe wagon, but i'm not entirely sure. I want someone with experienced ears to come take a trip with me around the block, and see if we can track this damn noise down. So then i can start tearing into it, with some sort of direction and purpose.


I'm just north of Seattle... More north than Zapar though, but not as north as Subafly.



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dont want to steal your post or anything, but i can say that my noise in the front end of my 83 brat is now taken care of, damn bearings were a M****F*** to deal with. they ere like welded to the hub. but that is ok. And Caleb, I found out where the other one of three more brats are, just waiting to hear back from BW to know where the other is for sure before i head over .

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