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Soft 1/2 auto shift when cold.

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Based on comments I would say that this is failry typical of Subaru automatics on this era. My 2000 obw does the same thing. The cars first transmission did it and so does the rebuilt transmission in there now. In my opinion its one fo the weakest parts of the car and I would own a stick if I wasn't for my wife.


I would also suggest that you take it easy on the transmission for the first five minutes of driving when its below freezing outside. Let the transmission get some heat in it first.



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Does it get better or worse the longer you drive, and it only the very first shift, or will it do it every time when cold?




Seems to be only the first and second 1/2 shifts. The first on my street, and the second after the first stop sign @ <200 yards.


After that it seems to have woken up completely.



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The transmissions shift differntly when they are cold (all cars do this for emissions). It helps the enigne warm up faster. Im just concerned about the flare up in engine RPM. When was the last time the fluids were changed.




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Typically they shift HARD on their first 1/2 shift. Both my 96 and my 05 are like that. I've also read lots of other posts saying the same thing. Almost seems to me like maybe it's taking a long time to build up pull pressure in the trans. I was once told by a subaru mechanic that if 4EAT revs between shifts that it is because it isn't makeing full pressure, most likely due to a worn o-ring in the pump of the trans. Don't know....

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The transmissions shift differntly when they are cold (all cars do this for emissions). It helps the enigne warm up faster. Im just concerned about the flare up in engine RPM. When was the last time the fluids were changed.





The engine doesn't rev out between at the cold 1/2 shift, but then again, I don't step hard on the gas in any cold car, ever. It would be a hard shift if I was stepping on it, but I need to preserve my machinery.


Fluids are all full, clear and bright.


My worry was put to rest. Sounds pretty typical for s Soob.

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The engine doesn't rev out between at the cold 1/2 shift, but then again, I don't step hard on the gas in any cold car, ever.


Sorry dude, but no one ever said their car did that if they press hard on the pedal. I don't even have to be pressing on the gas pedal of either my 96 or 05 and they will shift hard from 1/2 when cold.

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Sorry dude, but no one ever said their car did that if they press hard on the pedal. I don't even have to be pressing on the gas pedal of either my 96 or 05 and they will shift hard from 1/2 when cold.


My '99 does the same thing when cold and always has. I am extra gentle with it until warms up, which doesn't take long, moreover, I have become rather adept at helping it change gears, that is, I know when it is going to change to second, and take a little pressure off of the gas pedal before it does.

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