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idle problem after warm up

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Either a bad coolant temp sensor, a loose vacuum hose (at the airbox), or a dirty Mass Airflow Sensor (if your 88 has one). Those would be my areas of interest for the symptoms.

If all above fail to fix, the punt is the Idle Air Control valve on the throttle body (remove and clean).

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Yea, when u warm it up, how long do u let it idle. idealy u should let it idle for 5 minutes at the most, unless its really cold out. not good to idle for long periods of time. U could be loading up and running with fouled plugs. But it kinda sounds like a MAF problem. there is a procedure for testing it in the hayns manuel. On sertain terminals if u back probe with a multimeter on ohms setting, and blow through the MAF in the direction of flow the reading should go up. I think. Its been a while scence ive done it. But it should be in the book.

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