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Loyale radiator in XT turbo?

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I currently have a single row radiator in my XT turbo and I need a replacement. The only replacement I have found so far is a Loyale radiator, so does that fit?


And, what models were standard equipped with a dual row radiator?

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The two radiators are different dimensions. Compare the two next to each other and see if it will fit. I seem to think the loyale one is an inch taller and an inch narrower... I don't think it fits under the rad support.


I don't know what XTs were standard with 2 row. Seem to think a FT4WD 4EAT Turbo would be though. Seems to be which Leones/Loyales came with a two row.

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I think I have found a XT turbo two-row rad :banana::banana:


oh yeah, this is the first time I needed parts and could just find one at the first radiator shop (oke oke, second :rolleyes:) I rang.


It's about 180euro's which is $230 or something like that, sounds reasonable?

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