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smoke from engine block

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Greetings all:


I am experiencing a lot of smoke off the engine block on my Loyale when I shut it down. I suspect that there is a coolant leak somewhere, but I am not sure. The engine has plenty of power. At the end of a run that gets the engine nice and warm, when I shut it down, white smoke drifts off the passenger side of the engine for a few minutes. I have noticed some light pooling of coolant in the depression next to the spark plug on the back of the passenger side. I have no idea how to trace a coolant leak. Any ideas? I have stared at the engine while it is running, and can't see anything. Likewise after I shut it down. All I can really tell is that the problem is on the passenger side.


Thanks for any and all ideas.



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That or check the little 7/16 hose that runns parralell with the intake. it goes up off the intake (passenger side) and goes towards the throttle body. It happened on my RX. It was a little pin hole leak. But basicly follow the trail back to the leak point. Sometimes an LED light will pick up coolent real well.

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with the coolant system full, open the hood and let the car warm up. Wait for the steam. You may have to turn the throttle by hand to accelerate the engine - to increase coolant system pressure as well as pressure from heat. It should be easy to find the leak this way, probably something mentioned above.

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there are some dinky coolant lines around the manifolds that can spring leaks only at certain speeds, temps, etc. throttle body usually has a coolant hose passing close by to warm it up. check particularly at any clamps, they typically crack there.


the intake manifold gasket isn't as hard to replace as it looks when you first look at it.

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there are some dinky coolant lines around the manifolds that can spring leaks only at certain speeds, temps, etc.


Don't wait for those to leak. If they are over 5 years old replace them. Run low on coolant = new headgaskets. (at a minimum)

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