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Sudden stalling in traffic - now with explosions!

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So 2 times today, while I was driving in gear the engine suddenly stopped. It didn't sputter or slow down first it just turned off. When I restart, it dies right away, but it starts and runs fine on the 4th or 5th try. I should mention that soon after I first took off the car hicupped twice under heavy throttle kinda like it turned off then on again right away. Distributor, coil, what else might be wrong?

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Did it again today, then backfired really really hard while I was coasting to a park spot. When I got it started again it was throwing tons of black smoke and blew big chunks of rusty exhaust out the tailpipe.


Could improper timing be causing this? It sounds to extreme to be just the carb needing work. The cap and plugs+wires are all new:confused:

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