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86 Brat Engine hot then OK

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When I am starting up the Brat in the mornings recently, the temp rises normally at first, but keeps on going until almost in the red. I turn on the heater and feel warm air at first, but then it cools off after 10-30 seconds and the temp gauge stays near red. This all usually happens in the first 10 minutes, then I get on the freeway and after about a minute cruising at 65mph, the warm air comes from the heater and the engine temp goes to normal. What do you think? Sticking thermostat? Water pump going out? Clogged radiator? Coolant level is fine. Any advice is appreciated. I'd rather replace a water pump or something small than do a headgasket job. Thanks. Keith

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Time to rule out possiblities,


replace the thermostat with a factory


read Subaru OEM part.


There have been more threads reporting

problems centered around using a non OEM unit.

(coils toward the block)


H20 pump impeller loose?

After a bit of driving it sticks to the shaft.


Fan belt tight?

Slips at first with the alt drain charging the bat

from just starting the engine?


Burb the coolant system.


WAGs to be sure but gotta start somewhere.

Hope this helps.

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WAGs to be sure but gotta start somewhere.

Hope this helps.


I usually make mine SWAGs.. Sophisticated Wild-assed guess. :grin:


I second thermostat. classic symptoms. Other potential diagnoses would be treated as differential.. replace the thermostat first, then see what happens.

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when my radiator was clogged, it did quite the opposite, it ran cool when idling and going around town, but when you hit the highway or hills man it would climb up close to the red quick! Try a thermostat first, but of course check for cold spots on the radiator, my radiators entire left side was cool and the right side was hot hot hot.

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