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97 Legacy Transmission issue

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Kinda a quandary here. My daughter drove from MT to NW Seattle, WA where she will be for a month. She tells me now that when her car is warm and she pulls up to a light. She has to put the car in neutral bacause the idle is high enough that it wants to pull her.


What does one tell an 18 yr old female to look for? Wha can I suggest to her?


1997 Legacy 2.2, auto

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I will have her check the floor mat. I do know now that works. As far as anything else....I snuck over here from the 'old school' area of the forum. You know, points, condenser, cap. :) Everything else is Greek.

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I told her to check all the fluids while she was at it. She couldnt find the tranny dipstick :) so she stopped at a Jiffy Lube...UGH! They said her tranny fluid had metal particles in it and it needed flushing...surprise, surprise. I told her it had been done 6 months ago, and at that time is was very clean but did it anyways.


I told her to flee from there and find a soobie dealer in Seattle to check her fluid. Waiting to hear back from her now.

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The dealer tells her to buy a new car, it will be cheaper. Obviously, that isnt whats going to happen.


Car had 150k on it, my mechanic changed the fluid...now I hear that was a bad thing to do...go figure. Its got 165k on it now and when it shifts cold between 2nd and 3rd it shifts at about 3000rpm. I am no help, I am 500 miles away.


Suggestions anyone? Know of someone in Seattle that might take a look at it for her and offer ideas?


Here are a few ppics she sent me: http://picasaweb.google.com/pmilne/Misc



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  opus said:
The dealer tells her to buy a new car, it will be cheaper. Obviously, that isnt whats going to happen.


Car had 150k on it, my mechanic changed the fluid...now I hear that was a bad thing to do...go figure. Its got 165k on it now and when it shifts cold between 2nd and 3rd it shifts at about 3000rpm. I am no help, I am 500 miles away.


Suggestions anyone? Know of someone in Seattle that might take a look at it for her and offer ideas?


Here are a few ppics she sent me: http://picasaweb.google.com/pmilne/Misc




Im not understanding any of this.


1- When the car is cold, the transmission shifts late, its an emissions thing. All modern cars do it.


2- Changing fluid is an old wives tail, or applys to non computer comtrolled trannies.


3- Doesnt she have a AAA card? (she should if she is driving a car away from home). Find a AAA rated station. Dealer is full of biomass.



Now exactly what is happening.



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What she is saying is that when she takes off when it is cold, it shifts higher than normal between 2nd and 3rd. I told her to take it somewhere and have them check the tranny fluid. She took it to Jiffy Lube and Subaru. Both of them said the transmission is bad....although it doesnt slip, etc. You saw the pics of the fluid, it looks fine. She says you can see small metal fines in it. I cant see them from here, or the picture.


I think there is a small delay while shifting as well, if I recall correctly what the Subaru guy said. I told her to try shifting it manually, and that works better.


I believe she started this all by saying when it is cold and she comes to a light, she has to put it in neutral because it idles high and feels like it wants to keep driving.


Thats all I know...........

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  opus said:


What she is saying is that when she takes off when it is cold, it shifts higher than normal between 2nd and 3rd. I told her to take it somewhere and have them check the tranny fluid. She took it to Jiffy Lube and Subaru. Both of them said the transmission is bad....although it doesnt slip, etc. You saw the pics of the fluid, it looks fine. She says you can see small metal fines in it. I cant see them from here, or the picture.


I think there is a small delay while shifting as well, if I recall correctly what the Subaru guy said. I told her to try shifting it manually, and that works better.


I believe she started this all by saying when it is cold and she comes to a light, she has to put it in neutral because it idles high and feels like it wants to keep driving.


Thats all I know...........


Ok delayed shifts are normal when cold. It takes longer sometimes for the tranny to warm uo then the engine.


Delay in shifting, as long as the engine doesnt rev(flare) between shifts, its all normal, its winter.


The high idle, that is most likey the idle air control, and she needs to find a shop. The IAC is what controls the engine rpm at idle.


go to www.cartalk.com and see if there is a shop recomended in her area.

Look for a AAA shop too. Shell is also pretty good as the warrenty on work is transferable to any shop. (I dont even know if shell is around any more).



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  opus said:
The dealer tells her to buy a new car, it will be cheaper. Obviously, that isnt whats going to happen.



Jackasses. 10 gets you 20 the salesman took one look at her and thought (college girl, knows nothing about cars. Easy sale!). So naturally he pulls the "cheaper to buy new than repair old" pitch. That kind of thing only works for small items like personal electronics, not cars that need TLC. I'd tell her never to go back there again. A Subaru dealer should really know better.


nipper is right here, find a shop that won't pigeon-hole you into a new car so they can buy their third STi.

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Here's the deal.....


Daughter went to the soobie shop and they drove it and looked at the fluid. He said it was kinda dirty, but nothing abnormal. They changed the fluid and said come back in a week. She drove it and it was still shifting about 3500 or so.


She went back today, everything was the same, they changed the fluid again. He doesnt see anything that would indicate a major issue. Possibly a sticky valve or something in the tranny. He doesnt foresee a meltdown, but will be there to help if its needed.


He told her to come back in a week and they can go on another drive and reassess things.


The shop has been a great help to her, and seems to be plenty on the ball.

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  opus said:
Here's the deal.....


Daughter went to the soobie shop and they drove it and looked at the fluid. He said it was kinda dirty, but nothing abnormal. They changed the fluid and said come back in a week. She drove it and it was still shifting about 3500 or so.


She went back today, everything was the same, they changed the fluid again. He doesnt see anything that would indicate a major issue. Possibly a sticky valve or something in the tranny. He doesnt foresee a meltdown, but will be there to help if its needed.


He told her to come back in a week and they can go on another drive and reassess things.


The shop has been a great help to her, and seems to be plenty on the ball.


Good to hear, thanks for updating us.



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Opus, is she in the Seattle area? If she has found a good shop please name it.

I have a 97 that occationally gets the flashing ATF Temp light and torque bind. Trouble looms. I called a local dealer, car's been there before, told 800 to 3200 bucks best to worse case "might want to trade her in 'as is' on a new one. It's month end and we're dealing" 97 may sound old but she's earned my respect and all. Was good as new till this problem. So if you've found a good tranny shop I want to know!

I know the feeling of long distance car repair for a loved one. I feel for you brother :cool: Best of luck and be sure to post as the saga goes on.


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  Mark-O-Back said:
Opus, is she in the Seattle area? If she has found a good shop please name it.

I have a 97 that occationally gets the flashing ATF Temp light and torque bind. Trouble looms. I called a local dealer, car's been there before, told 800 to 3200 bucks best to worse case "might want to trade her in 'as is' on a new one. It's month end and we're dealing" 97 may sound old but she's earned my respect and all. Was good as new till this problem. So if you've found a good tranny shop I want to know!

I know the feeling of long distance car repair for a loved one. I feel for you brother :cool: Best of luck and be sure to post as the saga goes on.



torque bind should be an 850.00 fix



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  opus said:


Matt's Greenwood auto care inc.

7900 Greenwood ave. N.

Seattle Wa. 98103



Talk to Dean and tell him Opus sent you.


Let me know how you do.


That's great, thanks.

The cynic in me still wants the rest of the story. The optimist too.

Greenwood near where I grew up. Bet it looks smaller now.



Hey I'm # 253, not so new...

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If it makes you feel better, i got the exact same quotes. $800 for an AWD rebuild and the $3200 was for a band-spanking-new, complete tranny. I also see that you are in Washington. If you're on the west side, just throw the FWD fuse in and don't worry about the TB. If you're in the Cascades or east, $800 may be well worth it. Like the others told me here earlier, $800 beats a car payment.



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  nipper said:
Im not understanding any of this.


Doesnt she have a AAA card? (she should if she is driving a car away from home). Find a AAA rated station. Dealer is full of biomass.





Opus (and others),


I would highly recommend getting AAA. In my humble opinion, it is a fantastic service for anyone but maybe ESPECIALLY for a father worrying about his young daughter away from home. For about $100 a year (and that's for their best package--I think their basic is around $55) you get complete automobile piece of mind. If your car were to break down, run out of gas, have a dead battery, you call the "800" on the card and they dispatch a truck ASAP. And it seems like the towing companies give AAA customers priority. The one time I needed it, it was a god-send. I had some random, hack shop replace the timing belt on my '95 Legacy. They totally "F'd" everything up. Long story short, on the way to my brother's wedding it slipped, had only one or two cylinders left, limped it off I-5 at Corning California, called AAA, they showed up, put me on a flat bed tow truck, took me all the way to the nearest Subie dealer in Reading California (>50 miles) for absolutely no charge (but I gave the driver a nice tip). Subie dealer rushed me in and out in the time it took me to eat a long lunch.


However, that being said, AAA can seem a little expensive on the surface. But I would argue with all of the other services AAA provides (free road maps, trip planning, insurance, etc.) as well as all the discounts you get and motels, automotive stores (NAPA), restaurants, etc., it easily pays for itself, NOT TO MENTION THE PIECE-OF-MIND. But the best part of it is, if you ever have to use it, it doesn't get reported to your insurance company. For example, if you have "towing insurance" bundled with your car policy and you have to use it, in almost every case it counts as an insurance "claim". That means your rates most likely will go up, or worse, if you already the maximim number of claims on your policy (which can be as low as 2 or 3), they could drop your insurance all together.


Again, it's just my opinion, but if you have towing insurance, drop it and use the money you save there to buy a AAA card. And if you don't have either, you should at least look into AAA.


Sorry to be so long winded and I promise I don't work for AAA...



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Something to think on. She just left for a month, then will be back in this country. You'd be old and grey before AAA would help you here. I dont know of an AAA place for 120 miles...but I may be wrong.


If she decides to stay there for a longer time, it might be a good thing. I'll look into it...



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