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brat cap...


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Looking to rebuild the cap on my '86 Brat. Who manufactured these caps? I am looking for the weather seal for the hatch. Went to Lowe's and a few hardware stores to match door weatherstripping. Can't find anything close. Is this stuff available?


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most of these were allready mentioned Gem Top, Snug Top, Lear, and the best of all toppers, Vista


If all you are looking for is the weather strip any topper shop will fix you up. As all of that stuff is basicly universal for all toppers/caps for the most part they will still need to see the topper to match things up. I needed the latch for mine drilled the pop rivets out put the new one in only had to cut the bars to the right lenght. and now i have the keys as i did not before I Also got both new spring risres or what ever you call them for the hatch. now the hatch stays open when you open it no more broom handles. I have no idea what topper they came from and do not care it looks factory and works thats all that matters. So take it by the topper shop and they will have it you may have to cut it to the right size.



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Or better yet go to any auto glass shop and with out a dought they will fix you up. No more searching hunting, web searches, quick and simple. And even if you saw the type of topper you have on the web link above it really does not matter. it does not tell you what kind they are only a photo big deal. The auto glass shop or topper shop will still look at it and tell you what you need.




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