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Cap, Rotor, etc

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Finally got an accident resolved and am going to have about $800 that I want to spend on my Loyale, and I've never changed the cap and rotor for the disty. It still runs great and I wanted to know if people see a difference with a new cap and rotor. Would it respond faster, better mileage, etc or is it just a good preventative maint thing to do? In addition to that I'm gonna look into a new windshield and possibly tires and then see what I have left, oh and some spray paint and sand paper to take care of the damage the other guy caused to my Loyale. Thanks.

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Excellent idea. Good pm. The peace-of-mind payback is high. When you pull the old cap and rotor, you'll see what I mean (pitting and wear). Meanwhile, after you get that new windshield and tires, you might want to continue with the pm. I recommend new plug and ht wire (coil to disty). Magnecor is my recommendation.

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