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93 Legacy Tranny Question

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I am looking at buying a 93 Legacy with 170 K. The car checks out fine except with an issue with the transmission being stuck in drive. The current owner says he took it to the shop and they told him that all it needed was a new throttle body assembly (I think that is what it is)....or in other words, that big hunk of metal that is underneath the fluid pan. He says the part is easily replaced and costs around $50 from a salvage yard. He has the price 'reduced' to $1100 because of this problem. I am looking for some input on this just to see if anyone else has had a similar problem.

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Any time you buy a car with a transmission problem, budget the cost fo a replacement tranny for the car.

This is a highly unusual failure for a subaru. Usually you cant get it out of park.

Does the car shift through r-n-d, or is it seriously stuck in Drive and wont move.



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Any time you buy a car with a transmission problem, budget the cost fo a replacement tranny for the car.

This is a highly unusual failure for a subaru. Usually you cant get it out of park.

Does the car shift through r-n-d, or is it seriously stuck in Drive and wont move.




It will go into drive, but the current owner says that the problem initially when the car was warmed up but now is constant. He says the estimate he has to have it professionaly repaired is around $300.

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It will go into drive, but the current owner says that the problem initially when the car was warmed up but now is constant. He says the estimate he has to have it professionaly repaired is around $300.


Can you take it to a shop to confirm this? Are you absoloutly in love with the car? Are you prepared to replace the tranny if wrong?


these are things you need to ask yourself.



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may I be so naive as to ask that you explain

this problem more implicitly.


you say

"stuck in drive."


" It will go into drive"


Being old and feeble - this leaves me in a

serious conundrum.


What exactly is the problem??

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may I be so naive as to ask that you explain

this problem more implicitly.


you say

"stuck in drive."


" It will go into drive"


Being old and feeble - this leaves me in a

serious conundrum.


What exactly is the problem??


Yes, I guess I do need to clarify. When it goes into Drive it goes into the top gear, skipping the first and second.

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