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outback struts


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i did that conversion to my long gone 95 legacy wagon and i did not have any problem with the brake lines. as long as you put the struts on the same place where the old ones where you should not need an alignment right away. dont forget to use a marker to mark where the old strus bolts are. however i am not sure the rear top hats will fit, you may need to swap and use the ones you have now, the front ones should be a str8 bolt in.


good luck

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all the 97 outbacks came with abs, you'll just have an extra support for the abs wires but it should not matter, there is no difference in struts fitting between non abs and abs equiped. I'm doing a lift myself next month. getting forester struts on a impreza wagon :lol:

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i didn't get them yet. i will probably let this guy i know that owns a garage do it. after i seen how hard the struts came off my other subie i don't think i wanna mess with it. he gives me great prices.


your a little far from me i'm in pa.

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where does the lift come from. i got them today and measured from bottom to the the spring pertch and got the same measuement on both old and new


EDIT: went back to the parts store and found out they accedently gave me non outback struts. i'm getting the other ones tomorrow.

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i have a set of 15's on my other subaru, so i could switch the wheels.

i was thinking of a 205/70/15. i won't have any problems with rubbing the struts will i. i think the 205's will be about a 26"


i just found these



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you wont have any problems, thats what i had on my leggo with outback struts


now once you are all done with this, why dont you come out to jersey and join us in march at the pine barrens meet?


remember if i am running that size on my impreza nonlifted you should be fine

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probably not. i've been working alot of hours lately and saturdays 3rd shift. (cv axle rebuilder). however i will try to get pix. i have them on a cell phone, how do i get them on to the computer

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got it all done. general grabbers 205/75-15 and gold 15" subaru wheels. it is a very tight fit. i had to remove the plastic rocker panel protector on the rear of the panels. their is like an 1/8 clearance in the front of the rear tires. no rubbing though.

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