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1993 Legacy Auto-to-manual conversion JY shopping list??? Please

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Yeah, the 4eat trans in the wife's car seems to be going out and I just bought her another car. I love the car but I don't like driving auto transmissions so I'm not about to put another auto in it. Also, the trans shop wants 3500 bones for a rebuild!!! No way Jose!


So, what do I need to pull from the JY to make this happen?


Pedal cluster,


trans mount???

flywheel & clutch



Is there anything I need to do to the trans computer to make this work?


I tried the Surrealmirage webste for the swap and I couldn't find it.



portland, or

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also it is stickied in the legacycentral drivetrain forum.

that writeup will be your best friend while doing the swap. read it thoroughly like 5-10 times before you start the swap especially the wiring part.


also if you want a starter interlock(push the clutch in to start) and/or cruise control you will need:

starter interlock relay and as much of those wires as you can cut

cruise relay

cruise computer

a bunch of wire

depending on what diff ratio you have you may need to grab the correct rear diff too, or just get the right trans.



clutch cable

MT speedo cable

shifter assembly

shifter console, boot and knob

driveshaft yes

trans mount yes

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my AT speedo cable (1991 4.11 4eat awd to 1991 NA cable 4.11 5mt awd) was too short for the new trans by a couple inches. I think the issue is that turbo 5mt's have the speedo gear drive on the trans a few inches closer to the front of the car than the cable ones do.

I dunno why they didnt just put the cable in the same dang spot. subaru does a lot of wierd crap like that. but rest assured, you can always(almost) find a combination of stock pieces to get the job done.:lol:

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Awesome, thanks for the responses. I usually live in the older generation area since I like to push the limits of the ea-82t; it's nice to know the love is everywhere!


I was really hoping to just slap the hardware in and go. I guess it's never that easy. I'll have to look further into the wiring before I wrip it apart.


SO- I'm starting top think that I may NOT have a tranny issue after all. Here's the history...


Wife has been doing neutral drops (not intentionally) for the past couple years on it. (Not waiting until the transmission fully engaged drive before hitting the gas). She's only been driving a short while and I just noticed her doing this a while back and I was like AH! do you do that all the time?? She says yes. So I start to invision a transmission replacement.


1. It has always had the torque bind while turning sharp at low speed. No biggie.

2. Revs too high at the upshift to 2nd. This only happens for the first shift after starting the engine. After that, it's all good.

3. I blew the engine out a while back and replaced it with a 155k wreck. I had a hell of time getting the torque converter back into the trans. Two trans shops couldn't even get the sucker in! One of the shops had a used torque converter laying around, it slid right in so I bought it and that's what's in there now.

4. Got it all back together- Engine or trans or torque converter had a sheetmetal sort of scraping sound that went on for about 20k miles. Then it turned into a light intermittent tapping. Almost like valvetrain but it was coming from the back of the engine or trans. Then recently, it turned into what sounds more like rod knock. I put 50w oil in it to see if the sound changed. (this will usually smoothen out a rod knock a little. This wasn't the case, still loud as hell. The noise is only present when the engine is NOT under load. It makes a hell of a racket at idle, in gear or out of gear and when I let off the gas sharply.

5. The torque converter seems to be doing its job- I can push the brake peddal with everything I have and still overpower it with 3/4 throttle.

6. The car runs and drives as good as it ever has right now. Plenty of power, still shifts ok, no stalling, etc.

7. I jacked the car up and the sound seems to be coming from the back of the engine. Hard to isolate ya know?

8. I drained the front diff and put some 140w in it. It was a long shot and I knew it. problem still exists. Duh


So I'm driving the car until it completely fails so I can see clearly what is broken. If it turnes out to be engine problems, I'll just replace the engine a live with the auto trans for a while longer. (too many other cool projects going at the moment to mess with the Legacy unless I have to)


Any ideas????

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The noise is a broken flex plate. It will get worse with time, and get to the point where your going to have to do something about it.

Torque bind, If you've been driving with it for a long time the damage is done and nothing i can say here will rectify it. you can try changing the fluid and see if that helps.

In all honesty, I see ntohing wrong with the tranny except the AWD TB needing some repair.

I would put a another automatic in there, if you are so inclined. It is easier, faster and cheaper then swapping to a manual.



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The noise is a broken flex plate. It will get worse with time, and get to the point where your going to have to do something about it.

Torque bind, If you've been driving with it for a long time the damage is done and nothing i can say here will rectify it. you can try changing the fluid and see if that helps.

In all honesty, I see ntohing wrong with the tranny except the AWD TB needing some repair.

I would put a another automatic in there, if you are so inclined. It is easier, faster and cheaper then swapping to a manual.




Awesome! That's what I'm talking about! The love is everywhere!


I have only broken a flexplate once before and that was on a supercharged big block chevy and it sounded nothing like this. That engine was a monster though.

I'm sure that it must be the flex plate though; it sounded like scraping sheet metal months ago and now sounds like a "whacking". I guess I'll ***************foot it on my way home from work tonight!


I just hope I don't open it up to find something that I did wrong. It should be interesting though, maybe some metal chunks here and there, I live for this!


OH- Is anyone selling a flexplate for a 1993 Legacy? Hahaha!

I'm in 97113 Oregon

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Well its an educated guess from your description, so i may be wrong.


Eventually i think the starter gear will seperate from the flexplate.


You may be getting a differnt sound since the flexplate is also the starter gear.


The forcing of the Torque converters is what made me think of it.


There is a recent post on here that discusses the difficulty of putting a TC on the car and the repurcussions of not doing it right.


Of course i can be completely wrong and it can be a heat sheild :-\



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That could have been my post because I was having a hell of a time getting the torque converter back in the trans a year or so ago. I even took the trans out and stood it up on end and still no luck. Not sure what changed inside the torque converter because another one slid on with ease.


I'm hoping the flexplate is the issue. And I'm NOT taking the torque converter out of the trans pump this time. I should be able to get this done in one day if I have all the stuff. I'll update this when I find out for sure.


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After reading all of that, I think I probably damaged the flexplate when I was monkeying it all together when the torque converter wouldn't go in.


I've done this same maintenance on so many other vehicles, I'm just amazed at how much I struggled with it to find out that the torque converter wouldn't go in. I'm a seasoned mechanic and I naturally looked over such a simple job, talk about frustrating!


So- anyone who plans on taking their torque converter out of the trans-

Speak very kindly to it and be very gental! Otherwise, it can make your life hell.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, I forgot how easy it is to work on Subarus. I had the engine out in less than 2 hours, replaced the flexplate that was cracked all the way around the bolt holes. The only thing holding it together was the shape of the crack! It was actually two pieces that were puzzle-pieced together! So, props to NIPPER; he diagnosed the issue.


It got dark before I was able to get all the goodies hooked back up but I'm confident that the problem has been resolved. I guess I'm glad the flexplate was the weak link in the system. My wife has been doing neutral drops in this thing for too long. I bought her a 2001 GTI turbo to replace the Legacy. I think I beat it into her that you have to wait until the trans engages before you stomp the gas. I guess I better tell her that her new turbo car has to warm up a little before taking off and it needs to idle for a while before you shut it down. Otherwise I'll probably be replacing a turbo in that soon.


Just remember- Common sense is all that common.:clap:

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