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broke the solenoid, DOH!

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I was redoing the vac hoses and the ASV solenoid that is right in front of a check valve broke. currently the I have the vacuum plugged and the solenoid just open to the air. Are their any other types of solenoids that will work other than the exact solenoid on the 84 dl 1.6l engine? Dealer wants $110.00 for a new one and have not found one in the junkyard. Is this part really necessary?

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Welcome! You will get a lot of different opinions on this and here is mine. First of all can you get us a pic? Most people will say that it is part of the OEM equipment and should be there. But if you have it to the point that its running ok with it pluged and you dont have emissions to worry about then run with out it. If its a feed back carb it may affect it. Im sure someone here will have one though.


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you can delete the ASV system all together. All it is there for is to circulate air from the aircleaner to the exhaust. There are a two ways that i know if eliminating it. First is to unbolt the pipe going into the ASV valve and stuff a quarter in the valve and tighten the pipe back on. Second is disconnect the pipe down at the manifold and saw the pipe off so that all your left with is a tube with threads. Stuff a couple of nickels in it and pound them in with a punch and then tighten your new plugs back into the manifold.


That ASV system is entirely unnessisary in my opinion. Mine was messed up in such a way that it was recirculating exhaust gas into my carb gumming it up. Thats why i chose to get rid of it.


Oh one other thing..you will need to plug up the pipe coming off of the cat. Do this however you see fit. I just got some high temp hose and put a metal plug in it and secured it down. Good luck in whatever you decide.

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